Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change the default notifications that I am getting from DocuSign?
The default notification for envelope status produces a lot of email. It is possible to reduce, or even eliminate, these notifications. To change the default notifications, you will need to go to the Preferences screen, under the Manage Email Notifications tab and change your notifications to meet your specific needs.
What do I do if I want to make a change to a standard form or template?
Standard forms or templates should not be changed. If you have a recommendation, please contact the form owner. Form owners are responsible for making any changes.
What do I do if I have problems uploading a document to DocuSign?
“Fillable form” and “Active XFA Form” PDF files, will not upload properly for use with DocuSign. To work around this difficulty, fill out the form in Adobe Acrobat and print it to a PDF file (can be chosen from the Print menu in Acrobat). Then, upload the “printed” file, which will work with no problems.
PDF files larger than 5MB are generally not safe for use with DocuSign. In Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can do a Save As and save the file as a Reduced Size PDF or as an Optimized PDF, both of which will allow you to reduce the file size.
What do I do if a PDF is rejected by DocuSign when preparing a Template?
1. Open the PDF file in Acrobat
2. Click the Print icon
3. Select the Adobe PDF printer
4. Click Print
5. When prompted, save the new PDF file
6. Upload this new PDF file to DocuSign, it will be accepted
If I am a Sender and I need to route an envelope to a 3rd person, does that line need to be in the template?
Yes. The Template should include every role needed for a Sender to use as is.
What does access code mean on the Template Form?
Access codes are required when sending a document that will include restricted data or when sending a document to someone that is external to the university. Please use either the access code or the SMS option. Full details on how to use access codes is available in the following links:
Access Code:
SMS Code:
How do we make a template ADA Compliant?
Instructions can be found in the Author Training: eSignature Author
What happens if we were unable to complete the Template Review by 9/1?
Any templates that you are unable to review prior to 9/1 will be available in the Demo environment:, for a period of time, until the Template review is completed. Simply log into the Demo instance and complete the template review and then the template will become available again
Will all future templates be reviewed?
Authors are required to follow the new guidelines when creating templates. In addition, periodic reviews will be completed where any template can be randomly selected for review.
Can a Template owner be changed?
Yes. Users can send a request through Service Now and ask for the eSignature administrator to change ownership of a Template. This is especially beneficial when someone leaves the University or goes on extended leave.
Note: Make certain to state the Template Name, original Template owner and who should be the new owner when completing the Service Now request
How will Template sharing work?
Authors will share templates with Senders and other Authors as needed to create efficiencies.
Is there a naming convention for templates?
Yes. Template names should begin with the abbreviated College / VP unit (ASC, EHE, B&F, etc.) and then the form name.
Can we upload PDF’s and attach tags to them?
Authors will be able to upload PDF’s and attach tags to them. However, Senders will not.
What is a tag?
DocuSign tags are used to indicate locations on a document where the recipient needs to take an action and to provide information for the recipient. Some examples include: Signature, Date Signed, Radio Button and Check Box.
More information can be found: