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The Expense website provides guidance and resources for processing Non-Travel Reimbursements and Miscellaneous Payments.

For frequently asked questions, see Expense FAQ.


Non-Travel Reimbursements

About Non-Travel Reimbursements

Reimbursement for goods/services is permitted when other university resources are not available.  When possible, employees should not use personal funds/resources when options are available through Ohio State that are more efficient and will reduce costs (e.g. tax exemption). 

A reimbursement can be issued after an expense is incurred by an employee or guest for business related expenses. 

How to determine if a purchase is eligible for reimbursement:

  • Purchase must be for university business related expenses.
  • Before purchase with personal resources, refer to your unit’s fiscal officer for options and guidance.
  • Refer to the applicable policies for Expenditures and Purchasing
  • Refer to the Procuring Goods and Services Job Aid for priority considerations.
Job Aids for Non-Travel Reimbursements
Reports and Resources

Find Expense Report Summary-OSU
This report provides Expense Report summary information.  Login to Workday and type Find Expense Report Summary-OSU in search bar and click enter. Select applicable prompts (e.g., name of payee) to narrow search results.

Find Expense Report Details-OSU
This report provides detailed Expense Report information from expense report lines and itemizations including funding details and expense item.  Login to Workday and type Find Expense Report Details-OSU in search bar and click enter. Select applicable prompts (e.g., name of payee) to narrow search results.

Reimbursement (Non-Travel) Process: Tips and Tricks


Miscellaneous Payments 

About Miscellaneous Payments

A Miscellaneous Payment is a payment made to a person (U.S. citizen or resident alien) or an entity that is not an OSU supplier.  Miscellaneous Payments should be infrequent and are typically to provide a one-time payment for costs that are not feasible through other procurement options. 

Miscellaneous Payments can be issued in the following situations:  Refer to the Miscellaneous Payment Process Job Aid at the ARC for specific category requirements and guidance with initiating a Miscellaneous Payment.  Add important 1099 income reporting requirements when applicable.

Miscellaneous Payment CategoryDescription
Affiliate Payment (and Cost Sharing Arrangements)Payments made to an organization that falls under the Affiliated Entities Policy or has a specific contractual relationship with the university (e.g., regional office or extension offices).
Charitable DonationPayments made to charity organizations for which nothing is given in return
Conference RegistrationPayments made to attend a conference if other payment methods are not accepted (e.g., PCard).
Employee AssistanceNon-payroll, non-supplier payments to employees that is not related to their employment.
HonorariumPayments given in support of professional services for the purpose of conferring distinction or to symbolize respect, esteem, or admiration. Payments are generally one-time or infrequent in recognition of professional services that are rendered nominally and without charge. A fee is not legally or traditionally required. If there is a contract needed, use the Non-Catalog Request process. 
Human Subject (direct payments)Payments direct to human subjects participating in university research projects to compensate them for their time and commitment.
Petty Cash/Change Fund and Cash Advances Payments to Human SubjectsPetty Cash/Change Fund: Payments made to contribute to a unit limited dollar fund, typically under $500. Funds are dispersed to a unit via check through Accounts Payable and then cashed by the unit. 
Cash Advances Payments to Human Subjects: Payments made in cash to human subjects participating in university research projects to compensate them for their time and commitment. Funds are dispersed to a unit via check through Accounts Payable and then cashed by the unit.
RefundMoney previously paid to the University that needs returned to the Miscellaneous Payee.
Relocation PaymentDo not use with a Miscellaneous Payment.  Contact Relocation Services for payment options.
Royalties and CommissionsPayments made for allowing use of intellectual property or for meeting performance measures. Payment made to an employee should only go through the Miscellaneous Payment process if it is not related to employee services. Payments for employee services which must go through Human Resources. 
StipendPayments to non-employee subject matter experts to pay subsistence costs when participating in research, trainings, workshops or community events. Similar payments to employees must go through Human Resources. 
Student AwardsPayments to non-OSU students for academic competition awards. Payments to OSU students for awards not related to academic merit, scholarships or bonuses. 
Student Organization PaymentPayments made for funding OSU student organizations.
Training and Job Aids

Miscellaneous Payment Process Training at BuckeyeLearn:

  • This self-guided online curriculum is for employees who process Miscellaneous Payments. The curriculum is broken into 2 modules:  Module 1 (Miscellaneous Payment Overview) and Module 2 (Miscellaneous Payee and Payment Request Process) >> Go to Miscellaneous Payments Curriculum.


Job Aids at the ARC

Reports and Resources

Find Miscellaneous Payment Request Summary-OSU
This report returns Miscellaneous Payment Request summary information such as status, payee, and total amount and can be used for basic metrics and transaction status tracking. Login to Workday and type Find Miscellaneous Payment Request Summary-OSU in search bar and click enter. Select applicable prompts (e.g., name of payee) to narrow search results.

Find Miscellaneous Payment Request Details-OSU
This report provides detailed information on Miscellaneous Payment Requests including header information as well as line details such as funding and item description details. Login to Workday and type Find Miscellaneous Payment Request Details-OSU in search bar and click enter. Select applicable prompts (e.g., miscellaneous payee) to narrow search results.

Find Miscellaneous Payees
This report returns information on Miscellaneous Payee records and can be used to determine if a payee is inactive. Login to Workday and type Find Miscellaneous Payees in search bar and click enter. Select applicable prompts (e.g., miscellaneous payee) to narrow search results.

Miscellaneous Payment Process: Tips and Tricks


Contact Us

Expense Office
Phone:  614-292-9290 (Option 3)

Monday - Friday 
(8 am - 5pm)


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