Buy, Sell, Travel

We serve the Ohio State community with the services listed below. For units that work most closely with business officers within and outside the university, see University Business. The Bursar's office provides assistance with student bills, accounts receivable and collections.





Contact Purchasing

2650 Kenny Road
Stores & Receiving Building
Columbus, Ohio 43210

Phone: 614-292-2694
Fax: 614-292-6913

Email: Ask Purchasing
Email: Marketplace Team
Email: Purchasing Agreements
Email: Supplier Maintenance

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Summer hours: 7:30am - 4:30pm

Find Your Service Center

To Email your Service Center
Emails regarding transaction requests, documentation or general questions should be sent to


Service Center Listing
Find a listing of your Service Center representatives at the Procurement Service Center contacts page.