We look forward to helping you support your student as they navigate the business of being a Buckeye! We are available to answer questions about your student's financial account, including the statement of account (bill for tuition and fees), payment options, refunds, and more.
FERPA and Student Information Release
Ohio State does not offer a parent or family "portal" that allows you to access your student's account directly. If you wish to discuss details specific to your student's account with Ohio State, your student must first give us permission to do so, per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). For details about how your student can add you as an authorized contact to their account, visit the Access Account-Specific Information: The Student Information Release (SIR) below.
Most general questions not unique to your student's account can be answered by reviewing the information on this website or by contacting our office, with no prior authorization by your student required.
About the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records. Under the law, your student is considered the sole owner of their educational records, including their student account (also known as My Buckeye Link). It also governs the release of information associated with student records.
In practice, our compliance with FERPA means we are only permitted to communicate and discuss account-specific information such as amount owed for tuition and fees or status of a financial aid refund with your student and anyone authorized on their Student Information Release (SIR).
Access Account-Specific Information: The Student Information Release (SIR)
In order for us to release account-specific information to you, your student must grant authorization by completing the Student Information Release (SIR) located in their My Buckeye Link account. By default, Ohio State can only communicate with your student (not you) regarding specific details about their account, such as amount owed for tuition and fees or status of a refund. Completion of this online form takes less than five minutes; your authorization to discuss your student's account is effective immediately after the form is completed.
The SIR is comprised of your contact information and an access code agreed upon by you and your student. Your student will designate the types of information that Ohio State can discuss with you:
- Academic Information - details related to enrollment and coursework
- Account Information - details related to financial transactions
- Financial Aid Information - details about financial aid award package
For us to release information about your student's finances, they must select Account Information when they complete the release.
Some, but not all, email notifications about student finances are sent to contacts who have been authorized on the SIR. Please communicate regularly with your student to ensure that important information is shared appropriately.
Be prepared to share your identifying information and access code when you contact us.
Only your student has the ability to complete a SIR. Ohio State cannot release account-specific information about your student to you in any other way.
Designation as an authorized contact does not grant you direct access to your student's account.
Authorized Payer - Pay on Behalf of a Student
The Authorized Payer gateway to our web payment system is a fast and secure way for you to submit payment to Ohio State on behalf of your student.
Your student must authorize you to make payments on their behalf by creating an Authorized Payer account for you. To make a payment via the Authorized Payer gateway, visit our Pay Tuition and Fees page or click on the Pay Tuition and Fees button at the top right corner of this page.
Note: the only business you can conduct through the Authorized Payer gateway is submitting payment; you cannot access any other account-specific information for your student through this portal.
Establish Access as an Authorized Payer for Multiple Students
- Ensure that each of your students send you an Authorized Payer invitation - this invitation can be sent to the same email address
- Accept one of the Authorized Payer invitations and follow the instructions in the invitation email; you will be prompted to establish a new password; sign out
- Accept the remaining Authorized Payer invitations and follow the instructions in the invitation email - note: the username and password in the invitation will be different! (Not to worry - this is a temporary intermediate step!); you will be prompted to establish a new password; sign out
- Link the multiple accounts by logging into your original student's Authorized Payer account - (the account from Step 2); toward the top, under the banner, click on the link that says "View a different student"; follow the prompts and instructions to "Link to another student" and log in with the account information from Step 3. Note: this will be a one-time setup. After the initial setup, you will not have to link your multiple students each time you log in.
- Accounts are now linked!
Help Your Student Take Care of Buckeye Business
For many students, going to college marks the first time they are responsible for their own finances and academic business. Here are some ways you can help your student navigate this transition:
- Encourage Regular My Buckeye Link Account Review - students should closely monitor their To-Do List and Holds to avoid delays in receiving financial aid and release of service-impacting holds.
- Encourage Routine Email Checks - important student account information is regularly sent from buckeyelink@osu.edu. Occasionally, emails may be sent from bursar@osu.edu or collections@osu.edu.
- Ask To Be Added to the Student Information Release - this grants Ohio State permission to communicate with you about your student's tuition and fees. Please see Access Account-Specific Information: The Student Information Release (SIR) above for additional details.
- Ask to Be Added as an Authorized Payer - if you support your student financially, this step allows you to direct access to pay your student's bill on their behalf.
- Bookmark Important Websites - suggestions include: Buckeye Link, Student Financial Aid, Office of the University Bursar, and the Office of the University Registrar. The Registration, Fees and Important Dates calendar is dynamic and continuously updated as a term progresses.
Remember! Your student is the sole owner of their account with Ohio State (even if you assist them financially). They may choose how much to share with you and when. We encourage you to foster open communication and offer support throughout their time at Ohio State.
Enhanced family engagement opportunities are available through the Parent and Family Relations Office. This unit serves as a one-stop shop for information and assistance in problem solving for parents and families. We encourage you to contact them for additional support.
Related Resources
- Registration, Fees and Important Dates
- Buckeye Link
- Student Financial Aid
- My Buckeye Link Reference Guide
- Ohio Residency for Tuition
- University Housing
- Dining Services
- Student Health Insurance
- Student Legal Services
- The Graduate School
- Military and Veterans Services
- Office of International Affairs
- Admissions
- Office of Human Resources
Contact Buckeye Link
P: 614-292-0300
W: help.osu.edu
1st Floor Lobby
Student Academic Services Building
281 W. Lane Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Office Hours
M-R 9:00am - 5:00pm
F 9:00am - 4:00pm