Your personal student account is known as your My Buckeye Link account. This online system is where you take care of the business of being a Buckeye.
Important academic and financial tasks you complete in your student account include registering for classes, reviewing and accepting your financial aid award package, and viewing your statement of account (bill for tuition and fees). Check your My Buckeye Link account and student email address frequently as changes to your account can occur throughout the semester.
Buckeye Link is also an Ohio State website with links to financial aid, student account, important dates, and class schedule information and an office you can visit to get help with your student business questions.
You (the student) are the sole owner of your student account. Any data stored in your Buckeye Link account is, by default, only accessible to you. If others support you with your student business, please be sure to share information with them as appropriate and add them to your Student Information Release (SIR), which allows them to contact Ohio State on your behalf. Never share your Ohio State username and password credentials with anyone.
Manage Your Student Account
About Your Statement Of Account
Your statement of account is the itemized summary of the financial transactions posted to your student account. It is commonly referred to as "the bill." Charges posted to your statement of account include tuition, fees, and housing and dining fees (if you live on campus); other charges related to your attendance as a student may also be posted here. Payments posted to your statement of account include financial aid you have received and other payments made toward the bill.
Statements of account are generally available between four and six weeks before the start of a term and can be accessed through your My Buckeye Link account. Ohio State does not mail or email your bill to you. Check your statement regularly, as changes can occur throughout the semester.
For statement of account availability for specific terms, visit the Registration, Fees, and Important Dates calendar.
Charges and payments on a statement of account are grouped by term of enrollment (i.e., Autumn, Spring, Summer).

Your statement of account is considered an official financial record and can be used to request withdrawal from a 529 College Savings Plan, serve as supporting documentation for tax purposes, and more.
- Understanding Your Statement of Account
- How to Read Your Statement of Account - Video Tutorial (5:48)
Important Dates and Timelines
The following important dates and processing timelines are crucial to successfully navigating student financial business at Ohio State. Dates and timelines are subject to change.
- 4 to 6 weeks prior to term term - Statement of Account Available
- 10 calendar days prior to term - Federal Financial Aid Disbursement
- 10 calendar days prior to term (Monday after financial aid disbursement) - Refunds of Excess Financial Aid Begin
- 7 calendar days prior to term - Initial Fee Payment Deadline and First TOPP Installment Due
- First Day of Classes - varies based on term; see Important Dates
- 1st Friday of the term - Last Day 100% Refund Period
- 2nd Friday of the term - Tuition Option Payment Plan (TOPP) Enrollment Deadline
- 2nd Friday of the term - Last Day 75% Refund Period
- 3rd Friday of the term - Last Day 50% Refund period
- 1 month after 1st TOPP installment due date - 2nd TOPP Installment Due
- 2 months after 1st TOPP installment due date - 3rd TOPP Installment Due
- 3 months after 1st TOPP installment due date - 4th TOPP Installment Due (if applicable)
- End of term (exact date varies) - Future Term Enrollment Drop for Non-Payment Deadline
- Last Day of Classes - varies based on term; see Important Dates
- Finals - varies based on term; see Important Dates
- Commencement - varies based on term; see Important Dates
- Important Dates Calendar - key dates by term of enrollment and academic year
Financial Responsibility Statement
The Financial Responsibility Statement (FRS) outlines the terms and conditions of the financial responsibilities and obligations associated with attending The Ohio State University. Prior to registering for classes each term, you must agree to the terms and conditions of the FRS; a registration hold on your Buckeye Link account will prevent you from registering for classes until you complete this step. Once you have completed the FRS, the registration hold on your account will automatically be removed.
Completing the FRS is required even if your cost to attend Ohio State is covered by someone other than you (e.g., graduate fee authorizations, appointments, sponsorship, scholarships, or other third-party arrangement).
Financial responsibility terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of The Ohio State University.
- Financial Responsibility Terms and Conditions
- Financial Responsibility Electronic Consent Notice
- How To Complete Your Financial Responsibility Statement - coming soon!
Tuition and Fees Assessment and Explanation
Tuition and fees are generally assessed between four and six weeks prior to the start of a term. Fee assessment to the statement of account is a coordinated effort between several different university departments and units; because of this, some fees may appear later than others. Adding or dropping courses can also impact what you owe and when. Check your Buckeye Link account regularly for updates on your account balance, as things can change rapidly, especially before and at the beginning of a term.
Tuition and fee rates are set by the Ohio State Board of Trustees each year.
Your tuition and fees assessment is unique to you; not every student is assessed the same fees. The majority of fees you are assessed are mandatory, meaning they must paid regardless of whether you use the service. There are two exceptions: Student Health Insurance and Student Legal Services; these fees may be waived if you meet the appropriate criteria. Additional details about Student Health Insurance and Student Legal Services fees can be found in the respective sections below.
If you have questions about why you have been assessed a specific fee, visit the Fees Explanation page on the Office of the University Registrar website.
Financial Aid
Financial aid includes grants and scholarships, loans, and paid employment (Federal Work Study) to help you meet your college expenses. It can come from a variety of sources such as the federal government, state agencies, colleges, high schools, foundations, and other organizations.
Buckeye Link can assist you with questions about financial aid.
Late Fees and Financial Holds
Late Fees and Financial Holds
Tuition and fees are generally due one week prior to the first day of classes. Failure to pay on time may result in a late fee being assessed to your account; additionally, an administrative hold will be added to your My Buckeye Link. Holds restrict certain services, including but not limited to course registration; receipt of grades, transcripts, or diplomas; denial of library or recreational services; and football ticket pickup. If you attempt to graduate while an administrative hold is on your account, you will not receive a diploma until your hold has been cleared.
Holds are viewable in the Holds box in the top right corner of your My Buckeye Link account. You can access details about the hold, including instructions to release it and the appropriate office to contact with questions, by clicking on the Details link associated with the hold. It is important that you address your holds in a timely manner and sufficient time for the hold to be cleared to avoid delays in services.
Scarlet and Gray Financial Late Fee Waiver Program
The Office of the University Bursar is pleased to offer a one-time late fee waiver to students who are assessed beginning-of-term $200 late payment fees or $25 TOPP installment late payment fees.
To participate, your fees must be paid in full or TOPP installments must be current; this includes payment of the assessed late fees. Successful completion of the program will result in the late payment fee being refunded to your account.
You may participate once per late fee type (beginning-of-term and TOPP) during your academic career.
$200 Late Fee Waiver:
To have your $200 late fee waived, you must attend a one-hour Zoom session with a Financial Services Representative from the Office of the University Bursar.
This session will include how to review, analyze, and learn to effectively navigate your My Buckeye Link account. You will also receive tips for managing your Ohio State finances in the future.
Once the session is completed, the late fee will be removed on your behalf. Please allow 3-4 business days for the removal.
$25 TOPP Late Fee Waiver:
Attend a one-hour Zoom session with a Financial Services Representative from the Office of the University Bursar to review, analyze and effectively navigate your My Buckeye Link account. You will also receive tips for managing your Ohio State finances in the future.
Upon completion of the session, your TOPP late fee will be removed; please allow 3-4 business days for the removal.
**Emails are sent to eligible students during the fourth through eighth week of each semester.
To get started, schedule your appointment with three available days/times, Monday through Friday 9am-3pm.
Tuition Adjustments
If you add or drop courses or withdraw after the first Friday of the semester, your tuition and fees will adjust to reflect the changes. Additionally, if you have financial aid paying toward your bill, your aid for the semester may be recalculated. No refunds will be provided for classes dropped after the fourth Friday of the semester.
Tuition adjustments will be made for the following circumstances:
- Full-time student who drops below full time credit hours (undergraduate 12 credit hours; graduate or graduate/professional 8 credit hours)
- Part-time student who drops classes or withdraws
- Any student who withdraws from all classes
Title IV Permissions
Federal regulations allow The Ohio State University to apply your Title IV federal financial aid funds to your institutional charges such as tuition, course and program fees, technology and site-based fees, and housing and meal plan charges. Title IV federal financial aid includes Pell grants, Direct Student loans, TEACH and SEOG grants.
For charges such as student health insurance or orientation fees, Ohio State requires students to complete a one-time authorization, granting permission for federal Title IV funds to apply to these charges.
Charges such as late payment and registration fees, payment plan (TOPP) enrollment fees, housing penalties, and some select non-tuition based charges are not eligible to be paid by federal Title IV funds, even if a student grants permission by completing the authorization. These charges and fees must be paid by other means in order to prevent holds and possible finance charges from occurring.
You are not required to provide this authorization. However, if your authorization is not received prior to the disbursement of financial aid for the term, Title IV funds may not be applied to all eligible charges, which could result in an outstanding balance that will cause late fees to be assessed if not paid by the due date.
Parent PLUS Loans and Title IV Permissions
Authorization is also required for the Parent PLUS loan. It will automatically flow from the submitted Parent PLUS loan application data if your parent has authorized on the PLUS loan application. If they did not authorize on the PLUS loan application, please have your parent contact Buckeye Link (a written statement is required) to change their PLUS loan authorization status.
Ohio State reserves the right to change how federal Title IV financial aid is applied on student accounts based on continued guidance and recommendations from the federal Department of Education.
Student Health Insurance
Students at all campuses of The Ohio State University are required to have health insurance if they are enrolled at least half-time and in a degree program of study. You are automatically enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Benefits Plan when you register for eligible classes in your first term of the academic year; the university will post the student health insurance fee to your account when your bill generates.
You may choose to keep this enrollment, waive it by documenting your other adequate health insurance, or waive it and purchase the WilceCare Supplement.
For more information about student health insurance, visit the Student Health Insurance website. The Office of the University Bursar is not equipped to answer questions about student health insurance.
Student Legal Services
Student Legal Services at The Ohio State University provides legal advice, representation, education and resources to eligible Ohio State students. Each year before your first enrollment term of the year, you are enrolled in the Student Legal Services plan. Enrollment provides legal services to students through July 31 of the participation year.
You may choose to decline Student Legal Services coverage before the tuition and fee deadline for the first term of enrollment through your Buckeye Link account. Details about how to waive this coverage can be found on the Student Legal Services website. Students who waive coverage cannot reverse this decision later in the year when a legal issue or question arises, no exceptions.
Related Resources
Related Resources
- Registration, Fees and Important Dates
- Buckeye Link
- Student Financial Aid
- My Buckeye Link Reference Guide
- Ohio Residency for Tuition
- University Housing
- Dining Services
- Student Health Insurance
- Student Legal Services
- The Graduate School
- Military and Veterans Services
- Office of International Affairs
- Admissions
- Office of Human Resources
Contact Buckeye Link
P: 614-292-0300
1st Floor Lobby
Student Academic Services Building
281 W. Lane Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Office Hours
M-R 9:00am - 5:00pm
F 9:00am - 4:00pm