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Tuition Assistance

Faculty/Staff and Dependents

The Ohio State University is proud to provide access to high-quality tuition assistance benefits that support the educational goals of employees and their dependents. These benefits, available to eligible employees, are part of the total rewards that come from working at Ohio State.

Faculty and Staff Tuition Assistance and Dependent Tuition Assistance pay only a portion of the tuition and fees assessed to the statement of account. Any fees not covered are due as noted and must be paid through other means. Students using tuition assistance benefits may be eligible to receive financial aid in addition to their tuition assistance.

Students eligible to utilize the tuition assistance benefit must first be admitted to the university and their program of study. They may be enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree-granting program. 

The eligible employee must enroll in the appropriate plan through Workday during the corresponding enrollment window for each academic term that assistance is requested. Details about the enrollment schedule window for tuition benefits is available on the HR Tuition Assistance website.

If you have questions about either tuition assistance benefit, please contact HRConnection at or 614-247-myHR(6947).

Faculty and Staff

The Faculty and Staff Tuition Assistance Plan pays the instructional, general and non-Ohio resident fees (up to 10 hours per term) for eligible employees who take courses at Ohio State. The benefit is available upon employment in an eligible appointment of at least 75% FTE.

Faculty and Staff Tuition Assistance pays only for instructional, general, and non-Ohio resident fees for up to 10 credit hours per term not to exceed $9,640 per semester. Any remaining fees you are assessed (e.g., distance learning fee, student activity fee, student union fee) are due as noted on your statement of account and you are responsible for paying them through other means.

Faculty and staff tuition assistance is included in your financial aid award package and may impact your ability to receive other types of aid.



The Dependent Tuition Assistance Plan pays a portion of the instructional and general fees for an eligible employee’s spouse or unmarried dependent children who take courses at Ohio State. Eligible dependents may receive tuition assistance for courses taken for credit through undergraduate or graduate (including professional) programs at Ohio State.

A dependent of one eligible employee will receive 50% off the cost of instructional and general fees. The benefit for a dependent of two eligible employees is 75%. An eligible dependent may receive tuition assistance benefits for up to eight semesters or 140 semester hours of enrollment, whichever is greater.

Dependent tuition assistance covers only instructional and general fees. Examples of fees not covered include, but are not limited to: student activity fee, student union fee, COTA fee, rec (RPAC) fee, course and lab fees, learning technology fee, non-resident fee, and CarmenBook electronic textbooks. Fees not covered are due as noted on the statement of account.

Dependent tuition assistance is included in your financial aid award package and may impact your ability to receive other types of aid.




Graduate Associateships and Fellowships

Graduate Associateships allow graduate students to work for a university unit in exchange for payment of tuition and fees and stipend. There are three kinds of graduate associateships: graduate teaching associate (GTA), graduate research associate (GRA), and graduate administrative associate (GAA).

Graduate fellowships are financial awards made by Ohio State to support students during a portion of their graduate degree programs. Fellows are selected on the basis of academic merit through university-wide competitions without respect to financial need.

Graduate Associateships and Fellowships are often collectively referred to as Graduate Fee Authorizations.

How Graduate Fee Authorization Works

The Graduate Fee Authorization covers all or a portion of your instructional, general, and non-resident and learning technology fees (if applicable). Some GFAs also cover a portion of the student health insurance.

Coverage of any additional fees is at the discretion of your employing unit or specific fellowship. If you are a Graduate Associate (GA), any additional fees covered will be outlined in your Graduate Associate Appointment Document paperwork signed upon hire.

If you are a GA, the amount of your applicable fees covered depends on your FTE appointment.

AppointmentHours WorkedTuition*Autumn & Spring Enrollment^Summer Enrollment^Health Insurance?
50% FTE20100%8 Credit Hours4 Credit Hours100%
25% FTE10 - 19.9950%4 Credit Hours2 Credit Hours50%


(*) includes instructional, general, non-resident, and learning tech fee (if applicable)
(^) Post-Candidacy Doctoral Student (PCD) exception = 3 credit hours

Applicable fees for Fellows are covered at the 50% FTE rate, provided that you are enrolled 12 credit hours (3 credit hours for post-candidacy doctoral students). There is no Hours Worked requirement.

Your graduate fee authorization will post to your statement of account once tuition has calculated for the term and the authorizations have been processed. It should appear no later than two weeks prior to the appointment start date for the term, so long as the minimum enrollment requirements are met. Late penalties may be incurred if the fee authorization is not posted by the due date.

Payroll Deductions for Non-Covered Fees

As a Graduate Associate or Fellow, your remaining fees not covered by your associateship or fellowship, appointing unit, or graduate program are deducted from your monthly stipend. These fees include but are not limited to:

  • Program, Clinical and Equipment Fees
  • Student Activity Fee
  • Distance Learning Fee
  • Recreation Fee (RPAC)
  • COTA Bus Service Fee
  • Student Health Insurance - if not covered in full
  • Student Union Facility Fee
  • Student Legal Fee

A detailed listing of ancillary fees including their associated rates can be found on the University Registrar’s Tuition and Fees webpage.

The payroll deduction for these ancillary fees occurs on a monthly basis and is prorated as necessary. The payroll deduction schedule is as follows:

  • Autumn Term: September, October, November, and December stipend checks.
  • Spring Term:  January, February, March, and April stipend checks.
  • Summer Term (if applicable):  June and July stipend checks

These post-tax payroll deductions are also reflected on your student statement of account.

If you have questions about a graduate fee authorization, please contact the Graduate School.
