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Procure to Pay Process

Buckeye Buy is the university's preferred method for purchases. When Buckeye Buy is not a viable option, there are different methods for your use to purchase goods and services on behalf of the university.  These methods can be found in this section.

How to Choose a Procurement Method

To help you decide which procurement method to use, use one of the following selection tools: (listed in order or priority)

How to Choose a Procurement Method (pdf)

  • Internal supplier orders- When goods and services are available from internal suppliers, those sources must be used when they meet required specifications.
  • Marketplace orders- When not available from internal suppliers, goods and services must  be purchased from the MarketPlace, available through Workday.
  • Non-catalog or special requests- When goods and services are not available from internal suppliers or the MarketPlace, when special instructions cannot be provided any other way, or when an emergency dictates the order to be expedited, a non-catalog/special request may be placed.
    1. Non-catalog/special requests must be made with existing suppliers whenever possible. Use of new suppliers requires additional approvals and can therefore delay purchases and add internal expense. 
    2. Non-catalog/special requests must be reviewed by Purchasing and can be altered as needed to meet requirements set by Supply Chain.
  • PCards must be used in accordance with the PCard Policy.
Authority to Buy

Central Buyers

The Board of Trustees grants the authority to purchase on behalf of the University to the Office of Business and Finance, which delegates that authority to the Purchasing Department, responsible for central purchasing functions.

Business Operation Representatives

The authority to purchase goods and services on behalf of the university (not to exceed $5,000) can be delegated to a designated buyer of a college or vice presidential area, by the Director of Purchasing, subject to certain responsibilities and restrictions. 

How to Buy

Internal Suppliers

The university has many internal suppliers for goods and services.

View internal suppliers in Workday  (View Supplier- OSU Internal)


Buckeye Buy

Buckeye Buy in Workday is an on-line store / web site (similar to filled with catalogs from contracted suppliers. It is a purchasing tool that provides users an easy way to search for and order needed items. Buckeye Buy integrates fully with Workday.


Contract Book

The Office of Business and Finance has established a Strategic Sourcing team to implement cost savings initiatives and establish favorable contracts for the University. There are Key Contracts and there are Preferred & Strategic Contracts that provide favorable pricing and terms for the University.


State and Consortium Agreements


Non-Contracted Suppliers


Any purchase from a non-contracted supplier that exceeds the bid limits is subject to the competitive bid process. The Purchasing department utilizes the following documents for bidding purposes:

  • Requests for Quotations (RFQ): A document provided to bidders requesting prices for goods or services. Also called a bid or price inquiry. 
  • Requests for Proposals (RFP): A request for bidders to provide a customized response, often for services or goods that include a service element. Responses may include pricing, enhancements, implementation plan, and timeline. 
  • Request for Information (RFI): A request issued to suppliers within a specific commodity or market to determine the viability of a concept. No award is made from an RFI. 
  • Quote: A supplier’s offer of a price for specific goods or services, generally provided verbally or in writing on supplier letterhead. 

View the RFP Process


Waiver of Competitive Bidding

The Waiver of Competitive Bid Form must be completed by university departments when seeking to purchase goods in excess of the bid limit of $25,000 or more per supplier, per fund, per fiscal year; or services in excess of the bid limit of $50,000 or more per supplier, per fund, per fiscal year. 

Competitive bid waiver process guide and FAQ

Tools for Buying
  • Buckeye Buy in Workday
  • Purchase OrderA Purchase Order is a document created and issued in Workday to procure goods and services. 
  • Blanket Order: Used to track spend for goods/services that are inconsistent in ordering and amount. This type will be reviewed and monitored for proper use.  This type is appropriate when there is a need to issue POs to suppliers when they anticipate goods or services will be needed over the course of a fiscal year on an ad hoc basis. Blanket Purchase Orders are used for transactions that occur very frequently (daily or multiple times a week), have a high variation of product types, an undetermined timing and for items not available for purchase in Buckeye Buy. The Blanket Purchase Order Release Form is used to record all releases against a blanket purchase order. 
  • Scheduled Purchase Order: Creates purchase orders for scheduled installments for goods lines in supplier contracts.  Also called Standing Orders.  These will be limited in use. Scheduled purchase orders require a supplier contract to be set up and then scheduled to release purchase orders against the contract.  These requisitions will be sourced to “other” to allow for a supplier contract to be set up. 
  • Other Requisition Types

In order to provide receipt verification and accountability for products purchased on behalf of the University, it is a good business practice to have suppliers direct shipments to Central Receiving. Central Receiving inspects deliveries for external box damage. Learn more.


Payment is processed by the Accounts Payable department. For any more information or questions, please refer to Accounts Payable.


Contact Purchasing

2650 Kenny Road
Stores & Receiving Building
Columbus, Ohio 43210

Phone: 614-292-2694
Fax: 614-292-6913

Email: Ask Purchasing
Email: Marketplace Team
Email: Purchasing Agreements
Email: Supplier Maintenance

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Summer hours: 7:30am - 4:30pm