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University International Tax

International taxation is a new and evolving area for the university. With the rise of digital services taxation, VAT, levies, and other taxes legislated by other countries, the university must continually evaluate activities and transactions taxable to those countries and administer/facilitate the proper remittance of taxes.

Information for our international students and employees is maintained by Payroll Services and may also be accessed via the links below:

Tax Information contains a wealth of employee payroll tax information including information regarding fellowships,  education assistance taxation, forms W-2 and W-4, working outside Ohio, work locality taxation, and nonresident alien. 

Nonresident Alien Taxation is an additional in-depth page within Payroll Services to assist the nonresident alien comply with U.S taxation. This page includes definitions for resident and nonresident, access to Glacier Tax Prep, and extensive information regarding filing your taxes in the United States.

Additional university resources the international student may find helpful:

Office of International Affairs

Office of Academic Affairs