Consider renting or buying a cell phone to use while traveling if you do not already have one. If traveling internationally, verify that the cell phone provides international coverage. Additional options include purchasing a phone card or international calling card.
Internet access is fairly convenient when traveling in the U.S. or abroad for sending and receiving emails. If you do not have access to email, hotels or cyber cafes provide computer facilities with internet access.
Emergency Contacts
Provide emergency contact information, flight itinerary or conference location with your family/friends and supervisor before leaving.
Take a list of emergency resources with you while traveling, including contact information for family/friends or supervisor, the travel agency, airline, hotel, conference/meeting arranger, family doctor, insurance carrier and any other emergency contacts.
If an emergency occurs while traveling internationally, call the U.S. State Department’s Overseas Citizens Services at 888-407-4747 (from overseas call 202-501-4444).
NOTE: The Travel Planning Guide is a general resource and may not be inclusive of all considerations necessary for planning your business travel. Consult your Service Center, Fiscal Office or other university-related travel resources to ensure all policies and basic requirements are considered.