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Overtime Rules


Overtime will be automatically calculated in Workday Time Tracking for campus biweekly employees and UKG/Kronos for Health System biweekly employees. What is included in overtime for campus biweekly employees using Workday is detailed below.

Hours that contribute towards overtime include holiday worked hours first and then the difference between holiday benefit and holiday worked hours. For example, if an employee worked 36 hours in a week, had 2 hours of holiday worked and 9 hours of holiday benefit, they would receive 5 hours of overtime. Two hours of holiday worked and 3 hours of holiday benefit would be tagged as overtime.  

For employees with multiple positions, the position(s) worked for hours over 40 will be paid at the overtime rate.

Please see the chart below to see what hours contribute towards overtime

Employees EligibleOvertime Includes
Standard (non-union) 

1) All worked time (i.e. regular, call-back regular) 
2) The greater of holiday worked or holiday benefit for the week 
3) Disaster time off
4) Short term closure benefit
Student Employees1) All worked time
CWA 1) All worked time (i.e. regular, call-back regular) 
2) The greater of holiday worked or holiday benefit for the week 
3) All paid time off (excluding sick) 

CWA Regional 


1) All worked time (i.e. regular, call-back regular) 
2) the greater of holiday worked or holiday benefit for the week 
3) All paid time off 

FOP Alarm & Video Monitors 

FOP Campus Security Officers 

FOP Public Safety Dispatchers 

FOP Law Enforcement Officers 

1) All worked time (i.e. regular, call-back regular) 
2) the greater of holiday worked or holiday benefit for the week 
3) All paid time off 
Ohio Nurses Association 1) All worked time (i.e. regular, call-back regular) 
2) the greater of holiday worked or holiday benefit for the week 
3) Disaster time off
4) Short-term closure benefit
5) Vacation time off
UniPrint 1) All worked time (i.e. regular, call-back regular) 
2) The greater of holiday worked or holiday benefit for the week 
3) Disaster time off
4) Short term closure benefit