Effective immediately or prior to their next scheduled shift, all critical faculty and staff coming to campus must check their temperature and assess any symptoms before reporting to work. The health of our workforce is imperative during this time to keep everyone healthy and to control the spread of COVID-19. Outlined below is guidance for employees to monitor their own symptom status:
- If you are a critical employee, on days you report to work, you should perform a daily health check-in and only come to work if you can confirm you have no fever of 100° F or higher, no cough or shortness of breath, and no known exposure to someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19.
- If possible, take your temperature at home. If you have a temperature of 100° F or higher, you will be sent home and not allowed to work. Managers will be responsible for verifying that their faculty and staff have a normal temperature below 100° F.
- If employees do not have access to a thermometer, prior to reporting to work, main campus critical faculty and staff can have their temperature taken at a health-check site in the Jameson Crane Sports Medicine Institute located at 2835 Fred Taylor Drive. Enter in the front doors and have your temperature checked in the lobby prior to your shift.
- If you’re experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, do not come into work and follow typical call-off procedures. Contact your primary care provider or call the Wexner Medical Center’s COVID-19 call center at 614-293-4000 for guidance.
More information is available in this flyer. The flyer can be shared within your unit/college, as appropriate. This guidance does not apply to clinical settings, which will follow existing protocols. Please note we continue to explore alternative options for those worksites away from main campus.