New university-wide contracts were recently awarded to two suppliers by the Sourcing Team for Dry-Cleaning Services.
The Sourcing Team has pre-negotiated discounts and terms with these local suppliers, for use by the University and Medical Center, as part of a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP).
The scope of these contracts includes Dry-Cleaning Services.
Please reference the Dry-Cleaning Summary for specific contract information and ordering instructions.
Awarded Supplier List:
- Dublin Cleaners
- Snow White Cleaners
All contracts are effective now and the suppliers are available in Buckeye Buy.
The requesting department is responsible for following all purchasing policies.
For questions regarding placing orders through Buckeye Buy, contact the Marketplace Team.
For additional information regarding these contracts, please contact Marcy Blumberg.55, Senior Sourcing Analyst at 614-247-1949.