The PCard Application Request (and PCard GET Application Request) must be submitted by the applicant in Workday. Refer to the job aid for Workday navigation and step-by-step entry guidance. If you need further clarity with some of the prompted content, see below:
Describe the business need for the PCard being requested. What information should be included?
Provide a detailed explanation of how the PCard will be utilized for business expenses. This may include reasoning for not using the unit or Service Center PCard. Approvers in your unit will utilize this informaton to determine if a PCard should be approved for issuance. If you are applying for a GET PCard, this is verified by the Spend Authorization # (see below).
Employee ID. Where do I find my Employee ID?
Your employee ID can be found by navigating to your worker profile from the Workday home page. It will be the first item listed under Job Details in your Summary.
Business Address (Street Number and Name). How do I know what address to provide?
The business address is prompted by the bank for transaction verification purposes when making online purchases.
PCard Funding Source. What is my Funding Source?
The funding source determination is based on whether purchases will be reconciled back to University funds or Office of Sponsored Programs grant funds. The correct selection is critical for billing purposes specifically with OSP grant funds.
Cost Center #. What is my Cost Center?
The cost center is the accounting code used to track financial and human resource transactions. You should enter the cost center # associated with the funding of your purchases. If you are unsure of the cost center #, reach out to your unit's fiscal office.
4-Digit Verification Code. What is the Verification Code?
The 4-digit Verification Code is a number that you select. Enter 4 digits that you'll easily remember. The Verification Code is required for you to activate your new PCard. This Verification Code may also be required by the bank to validate authorization to account information when you contact the bank.
Additional Information. What information should be included?
Additional information can be entered to advise approvers (e.g., advise approvers of split funding needs where an ad hoc approver may be needed) or the PCard Office (e.g., Urgent request - need PCard by Friday).
The following is helpful information to provide clarity for prompted content (in addition to the items above) on the PCard GET Application Request only:
Spend Authorization #. How can I find my Spend Authorization?
You can find your Spend Authorization number by running the “My Spend Authorizations” report in Workday. Refer to the Find and View Spend Authorization job-aid for guidance.
PCard Usage End Date. What is my Usage End Date?
Select the end date of PCard use for business travel-related expenses. Generally, this will be the return date referenced in your Spend Authorization.
ATM Access. Is there more information about ATM access?
ATM should only be selected if your business travel requires access to an ATM for cash withdrawal. Applicable bank fees will apply; in most cases $3 or 3% of the withdrawal amount, whichever is greater. If ATM Access is selected, you must enter the percentage of your cycle limit you would like to have available for cash withdrawals through ATM. A PIN number will be mailed to the business address listed on the PCard GET Application Request within 10 days from the Workday notification confirming the PCard has been ordered.