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Policies and Forms

Search for policies, forms and other documents by typing a keyword, or browse by choosing the department and/or type of document from the filters below. This repository includes documents managed by Business and Finance as well as other helpful documents.

Type: Form

IRS confirmation of the University’s exempt status. This letter may be used to verify grantor’s request for evidence of exemption.

Department: Tax Office

IRS confirmation of the University’s exempt status. This letter may be used to verify grantor’s request for evidence of exemption.

Department: Tax Office

Certificate exempting employees from Columbus Hotel/Motel tax when staying on University business

Department: Tax Office, Controller

Certificate exempting federal excise tax for the purchase of communications services.

Department: Tax Office, Controller

Form to be completed and submitted to Tax Office for the University’s Ohio Sales Tax filings

Department: B&F Procurement Shared Service Center, Controller, Tax Office

To be completed by units providing clothing and uniforms to employees.

Department: Tax Office, Purchasing, Payroll, General University, B&F Procurement Shared Service Center, B&F HR Service Center

Internal Revenue Service form used for vendor set up to receive payment and Form 1099

Department: Tax Office, Controller
Department: Tax Office, Purchasing, Controller

Job aide to assist in evaluating University activities for unrelated business income

Department: Tax Office