The launch of Workday Finance and Supply Chain brings with it new terminology- and Buckeye Buy Marketplace! The following may help you navigate the changes:
Prior to Workday Workday 1/7/2021 eStores Team
Marketplace Team
Supplier Website
RoundTrip Section of Buckeye Buy
Marketplace Quotes
(found within the RoundTrip Section of Buckeye Buy)
Buckeye Buy
(note: Buckeye Buy includes more than just university funded purchases now)
Some former eStores suppliers may not immediately be in Buckeye Buy, due to expired contracts expired or pending updates. Please check back frequently for updates.
Drop-off catering suppliers have requested that customers continue to provide at least 24-hour notice before placing an order in the Catering Marketplace.
Some suppliers have received orders they could not fill because no advance notice of the event was provided. Advance notice is necessary to allow suppliers to adequately plan and schedule multiple events on the same day.
Supplier contact information is available on their individual page within the Catering Marketplace.
eStores is working on an enhancement to the site that will automatically notify suppliers when a drop-off order request is entered on the site, even before...