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Electrical Services contracting info

Electrical Services


When reviewing requisitions and auditing category data for contract/processing compliance, the following key attributes must be considered:

  • All purchase requests must be processed through eStores.
  • Purchase requests processed using direct purchase orders are considered non-compliant.
  • Purchase requests processed through eStores identify the correct category nomenclature
  • Purchase requests proessed through eStores must use the correct supplier for the contract
  • Purchase requests cannot be processed using a blanket purchase order
  • All after-the-facft purchase orders must be processed through eStores


Field Service Reports

FSRs are quotes for service that is either pre-planned or emergency and are completed by the supplier and approved by the end user. An authorized FSR is required prior to any preventative maintenance or repairs that can be scheduled. FSRs can be completed after the fact for any emergency repairs; they must be received within 24 hours of the repair. The FSR is not to exceed quote; suppliers are expected to bill for actual hours worked.


Out of scope

  • High voltage (138K volts and above); AEP utilized
  • Medium voltage (between 138K and above 600 volts); work performed by internal resources
  • Access control; technology currently under review
  • Generators (separate scope of work)
  • Special scopes of work (transformer assembly; sports lighting; theatrical lighting; standby electicians for sporting and special events)



  • Generators are included in the electrical category, however, are not included in this contract. A university-wide stakeholder team is scheduled and an RFP was distributed to potential bidders on July 16, 2013; with an anticipated eStores implementation date of October 1, 2013. Under a bid is awarded and pricing is loaded in eStores, requisitions can be processed as submitted.
  • Regional campuses may choose to utilize this contract, however, they are not required due to service time. Serve turnaround time meets the requirements of the Columnbus campus.
  • FOD requisitions with chartfiels that begin with 85910 or 85840 are Facilities Design and Construction requests. These are construction-related projects and are processed as submitted within Ohio State bid threshholds.
  • All exceptions require the approval of Sherry Huegel.


Repair orders

When creating a purchase request for a skilled trades service that is not under contract, a term requistion is created outside of eStores. Blanket purchase orders for preventative maintenance or repairs cannot be used.

Guidelines: Create a line on the requisition for the number of labor hours and enter the hourly labor rate in the unit cost. Enter a keyword for the trade requisition line (e.g., electrical services).

A separate requisition line is created for "materials." Materials can be totaled on this line as one "each" and the total dollar amount of the materials is entered as the "unit" price.


Requisition line 1: Electrical technician;

     Qty: 50; UOM: HR, Unit cost: $57.80

Requisition Line 2: Materials:

          Qty: 1; UOM: EA, Unit cost: $300.00


Repair order process

The following maintenance contracts have been established to primarily be utilized by university facility operation departments for maintenance and repairs. Departments are required to contact Facilities Design and Construction at 614-292-4458 for any renovation, alteration, professional service (design, interior design, engineering, structural), painting and carpet replacement work. Departments that utilize the maintenance contracts will be responsible for all damages and costs resulting from faulty/failed work.