Q: Who is eligible for reimbursement of temporary childcare costs?
A: Employees traveling to a conference for 5 or more consecutive days and have temporary childcare costs pre-authorized with a Spend Authorization are eligible for reimbursement for childcare expenses that are above and beyond normal childcare costs.
Q: How is a child defined?
A: The Travel Policy defines a child as a biological, adoptive, step, or foster child; a legal ward; or a child of a person standing in loco parentis, who resides with the traveler.
Q: How is a conference defined?
A: The Travel Policy defines a conference as a retreat, seminar, symposium, workshop, or event whose primary purpose is the dissemination of information beyond the university and is necessary and reasonable to further successful performance. It would include a formal agenda or schedule and includes individuals from many different entities.
Q: How do I obtain pre-approval for temporary childcare costs?
A: Pre-approval is obtained through the Spend Authorization process. Additional approval requirements may exist if using sponsored grant funding.
Q: Are travel days included in eligibility for temporary childcare costs?
A: Travel days are not eligible for reimbursement of temporary childcare costs.
Q: What constitutes “above and beyond” normal childcare costs?
A: “Above and beyond” childcare costs are those that are beyond the normal cost incurred for childcare when not in business travel status for the conference travel duration. See example below:
Example: Employee traveler sends their child to childcare during the normal business week (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) This timeframe would NOT be above and beyond normal childcare costs and would not be eligible for reimbursement.
Q: What documentation is required to process a reimbursement of temporary childcare expenses?
A: Receipt (or equivalent documentation) must be attached to the Expense Report to document payment, hours of service, number of children, etc. In addition, the conference agenda should be included to document eligible timeframe committed to conference related duties.
Q: Is reimbursement permitted if an immediate family member provides temporary childcare?
A: No, temporary childcare services must be provided by a licensed, independent third party. The traveler must pay for the services with personal resources and submit for reimbursement with an itemized receipt (or equivalent documentation).
Q: What expense item should I use for temporary childcare costs when submitting for reimbursement?
A: “Travel Childcare Costs” is the expense item used for temporary childcare costs when entering an Expense Report for reimbursement.
Q: Who is responsible for reporting the tax benefits for temporary childcare that has been reimbursed?
A: The unit is responsible for submitting the applicable one-time payment request in Workday on behalf of the employee traveler. See Initiating One–Time Payments for Taxable Items job aid in the Administrative Resource Center.
Q: What if my circumstances don’t fit the eligibility criteria?
A: An exception request must be submitted for review by the Office of Business and Finance and the Office of Academic Affairs. Send requests to Lisa Plaga (plaga.5@osu.edu).