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Lyft, Inc.

Charter Services

Lyft offers a variety of transportation options through Ride Smart, Lyft Concierge, Lyft Pass, and more. The Safe Ride / Ride Smart contract is not to be used for patient transport services.

  • Items Offered: Ride Services for students, faculty and staff
  • Designations: N/A


Contract Details

  • Contract Source: The Ohio State University
  • Supplier Contract: SPC-1000007608: UNIV: 20-SAFERIDE-Lyft
  • Dates: 07/01/20-06/30/25
  • Workday Supplier: SPL-0004929
  • Spend Category: Transportation not chartered  - SC10667


Benefits to Ohio State

OSU has a general services agreement in place with Lyft that covers established programs (Safe Ride) as well as allowing for addition of new programs as requested by OSU. Spend on the contract earns OSU a rebate for the Ride Smart program.

Ordering and Pricing
  • Any unit considering adding a Lyft program can to complete an account inquiry form. Lyft will respond to discuss options that might best fit your needs. Programs can be added as requested under the current contract with Lyft, and will fall under the established terms and conditions. Further questions can be directed to the purchasing contact, Steve Hronek
  • Create a Non-catalog request requisition and reference the supplier contract number.
Supplier Account Contact

Christa Beezley

Ohio State Purchasing Contacts