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Coronavirus travel exemption process as of June 20, 2020

To clarify and expand on previous decisions, the university has suspended all university-sponsored international and non-essential domestic travel until December 31, 2020.  All travel that has been scheduled through December 31, 2020, must be canceled (see cancellation guidelines.) Exemption processes and elevated approvals related to travel restriction under specific circumstances are summarized below.

The comprehensive exception process encompasses the reduction of health & physical hazard and risk exposure, alignment with the Safe Campus and Scientific Advisory Subgroup as part of the COVID-19 Task Force, and assurances of stewardship of financial resources and business continuity.

Travel exemptions must be (re)submitted and will follow a revised process:

  • Traveler completes pre-travel documentation, which should be attached within the eTravel system in advance of the travel departure date (for international within 8-10 weeks prior to departure date; for domestic within 4-6 weeks within departure.)
  • Travel exemption must include relevant documentation confirming that the travel is pre-approved as business essential and identifies an external funding source or is an approved expenditure within the college/unit's approved budget.
  • Any travel being considered must be (re)submitted to the college/unit approvers previously charged with Level 1 approval permissions.
  • The Travel Office will administer the Level 2 approval process in order to support the executive Level 2 approvers and will include ad hoc assessments by the International Travel Policy Committee for international travel or Risk Management working group for domestic travel, which will be advised by the Safe Campus and Scientific Advisory subgroup of the COVID-19 Transition Task Force. Level 2 approvers are the Chancellor for the Wexner Medical Center, the Deans for each college and the Senior Vice President/Vice President for each Support Unit.
  • Travelers will be required to follow all applicable post-trip quarantine restrictions determined by the CDC and the State of Ohio for both leisure and business travel relevant at the time of their travel to their specific destination.

We recognize the uncertainty this global health issue is creating and are committed to keeping you informed and up to date as this situation evolves. The status of this extension to December 31 will continue to be monitored based on COVID-19 travel guidelines issued by the State of Ohio and CDC travel risk assessments.

  • CDC Travel Guidelines
  • Cancellation Guidelines
    • Contact Travel Agency, Airline, Hotel and Conference hosts
    • Document cancellation status in eTravel (work with your College/VP Service Center or Fiscal Officer)
    • Review Travel FAQs for further guidance
    • Contact the Travel Office for additional assistance