Certification and Special Designation:
Buy Ohio
Video Production
WOSU is a one-stop shop on the Ohio State campus for professional productions with a competitive rate card, award-winning and creative staff, and the expertise to help you manage everything from small projects to large-scale events with fully-integreated production services.
- Items Offered: Video Production, Small to big projects
- Designations: Buy Ohio, OSU Internal
Benefits to Ohio State
- Discounted pricing
- Negotiated fixed fees
- Internal Vendor
Ordering and Pricing
- Contact Brent Davis, below, to discuss your needs.
- Internal Vendor: WOSU TV Production Services
- No contracts need to be signed
- Departments should review, agree, and sign the statement of work
Service (Shipping N/A)
Supplier Account Contact
Brent Davis
Phone: 614-247-2454
Email: brent.davis@wosu.orgâ
Ohio State Purchasing Contacts
- Tori Galloway, Buyer
- Steve Hronek, Senior Buyer