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PCard Newsletter - February 2020

This issue contains the following articles:

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PCard Renewal 2020 Reminder

PCards that were issued in 2017 will expire in 2020.

The replacement cards will be bundled by each College/VP Area and made available for pick-up by your senior fiscal officer or a designee. It's estimated that these cards will arrive by the second week of their expiration month. A separate notice with more specific information regarding the pick-up dates and location will be sent to your college's SFO and service center manager in the coming weeks.

Additional Notes:

  • Cards issued in 2017 that were subsequently replaced due to lost/stolen circumstances or fraud/compromised activity may have newer expiration dates, thus not included in the 2020 replacement batch.
  • The account number will not change – only magnetic strip, chip, CVV code, and expiration date will be updated.
  • Cards expiring will remain available for use until the end of the month.
  • Card managers/cardholders will need to activate their new card using their 4-digit security code submitted on their PCard application.
  • Old plastic must be properly destroyed once the new card is activated. Old plastic may be returned to the PCard office for shredding or destroyed by your area.

If you have questions, contact the PCard Office at or (614) 292-9290.


PCard Resource Changes Coming with Workday

With the university’s transition to Workday, look for changes to be made to PCard resources (e.g., policy, forms, and website) this summer.
  • Policy: The new PCard policy (effective 7/1/20) will include a variety of enhancements to align with Workday.
  • Forms: Most PCard forms will remain in DocuSign, but there will be some noticeable changes.
    • The PCard Application will include the addition of the OSP Department PCard and OSP Individual PCard, in lieu of the OSP Amex.
    • The PCard Maintenance Form will offer a variety of streamlined improvements.
    • The PCard Tracking Log will be enhanced to align with policy and Workday requirements.
  • Website: The PCard website will be modified to align with Workday processes and include a FAQ section.

For questions or concerns, contact the PCard Office for assistance at or (614) 292-9290.


Balances in PCard Clearing Account (61206)

A university-wide review of the PCard clearing account (61206) in the General Ledger reveals that funds across many college/departments continue to show balances from FY20 activity. These balances represent unreconciled transactions on PCards assigned to the college/department units.

One of the responsibilities associated with maintaining a PCard is the regular reconciliation and clearing of all activity posted to account 61206. All charges posted to this account must be reallocated to the appropriate expense account in order to satisfy the University’s external reporting requirements.

If a chartfield combination in your unit has an unreconciled balance, you must clear this balance by posting a journal entry crediting account 61206 and debiting the appropriate expense account. Additional detail on these charges can be obtained by running the PCard Reconciliation Report (APU128DW) in the eReports portal.

It is critical that all charges in the PCard clearing account be reallocated to the appropriate expense account by fiscal year-end. The PCard Office will continue to monitor account 61206 to ensure that charges are being cleared.

If you have any questions, contact the PCard Office for assistance at or (614) 292-9290.


PCard Security Enforcement begins April 1, 2020

Since credit card numbers are classified as S4 (Restricted) data, they should not be sent via email unencrypted. Beginning April 1, 2020, OCIO’s automated Data Loss Prevention (DLP) detection service will begin blocking any email if it appears to contain Ohio State Procurement Credit Card (PCard) data. Until April, unencrypted emails will trigger an alert warning.

If you need to send this information using email, place OSUSECURE (must be one word) anywhere in your subject line to encrypt the message.

When accessing the encrypted email, the recipient will receive a link to open the email in a browser rather than having the message delivered directly to their inbox. The email will be sent to the recipient, so no further action is needed from the sender. The warning email is just a notification. Additional information on how OSUSECURE works is located here.

For more resources, please click here to find the Institutional Data Policy’s Permitted Data Usage by Activity or click here for resources provided by Ohio State’s PCard Office. If you would like to review other options for utilizing and transmitting Ohio State Procurement Credit Card (PCard) data securely, please contact the Data Loss Prevention support team at

If you have any questions, contact the PCard Office for assistance at or (614) 292-9290.


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