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FY22 UNIV Blanket Order Season Processing Time Frame, April 1 through May 31

Blanket Orders are used for transactions that occur very frequently (daily or multiple times a week) have a high variation of the product types, undetermined timing, and not available in BuckeyeBuy.

Your FY22 Blanket Orders must be received between 4/1/21 and 5/31/21 to allow for adequate processing time.

Please see the blanket purchase order process below.  If you have additional questions contact

Blanket Purchase Order Process

Creating FY22 Extended Blanket POs (University Only)


Following conversion to Workday, legacy FY21 blanket purchase orders posed unforeseen challenges for invoice processing and approval. To alleviate current bottlenecks in the approval process and mitigate payment delays, leadership and P2P Services have approved the implementation of an extension for FY22 blanket purchase orders. New blanket POs should be created with an effective date of 4/1/2021 through 6/30/2022. Please note that communication is critical with our suppliers, to ensure they are notified of their new blanket PO numbers to replace existing FY21 legacy blanket POs.

The instructions below outline how to set up a blanket purchase order; the purpose of which is to address the following issues:

  1. To allow users to view accurate obligation availability and liquidation (a known Workday bug experienced on existing POs)
  2. To allow invoices to post without failing due to quantity issues related to the referenced Workday bug

Relative Job Aids in the ARC


  • Blanket Orders – a special request for emergency purchases or reoccurring purchases of a specific good/service when the quantity or frequency of delivery cannot be fully determined at the time the purchase order is initiated.


  • Blanket Orders for a Contracted Supplier must reference the Supplier Contract number on the requisition.
  • Blanket Orders above the bid threshold and without a Supplier Contract available must include a waiver request form completed and signed.


For assistance with this process, please reach out to your Service Center.

Requisition Initiator

  • Start process by task “Create Requisition”
    • Requester - The requester should be the person on the order that has the ability to verify that goods/services have been received.  Invoices against all Blanket Order Purchase orders will workflow to the requester for approval/verification of receipt.
    • Requisition type – Select “Blanket Purchase Order”
    • Deliver to – The floor or room of the location of the expected delivery
    • Ship-to – generally Central Receiving “2650 Kenny Rd, Columbus OH 43210” however, in some circumstances such as perishable items or other spend categories that have been previously approved this can be selected as the same address as the deliver to.
    • Worktags – fill in your FDM values
    • Click OK
  • Select Request Non-Catalog Items (no blanket orders are permitted from Marketplace (BuckeyeBuy) suppliers)
    • Select “Request Services” (some spend categories can not be used on services lines if they are tied to stocked items.  See list at the end of this documents and alternative entry)
      • If the spend category is tied to stocked item select “Request Goods” for the line
    • Enter the description as “Blanket Order for (enter the commodity you are purchasing)” for example, “Blanket order for computer repair parts”
    • Enter the spend Category if known.  If not known, enter SC9999 and the service center will correct when they review.
    • Enter the supplier if known
    • Select the supplier contract, if the supplier known
    • Enter the start date as the beginning of the purchase order (not applicable on a goods line)
    • Enter the end date as the end of the fiscal year (for FY22 enter 6/30/2022) (for a goods line enter the due date as 6/30/2022)
    • Enter the amount you expect to spend prior to 6/30/2022
      • For Goods line, enter the amount in the quantity field, the unit of measure as “dollar”, and the unit price as $1.
    • Go to checkout
      • In the Memo field, enter the following information:
        • Dept Contact who the supplier can contact with questions about the order
        • If a goods line was used, type “Purchase order for the period of MM/DD/YYYY (beginning date of the PO) through MM/DD/YYYY (end of fiscal year)
        •  If this is replacing an existing PO, type “Replaces PO # (Previous PO #)”
      • Enter the business purpose in the Internal Memo Field
      • Review the line information
      • Add any related attachments
      • Submit
    • Standard language will populate on the Purchase order that has already been set up in Workday, you do not need to add the standard language to the PO.  The standard language is as follows:
      •  “This purchase order is for an estimated requirement.  The buyer is not obligated to procure the total amount.

Requests for merchandise against this blanket purchase order will be ordered directly by the using department listed.

Invoices: Supplier must display the complete purchase order number on each invoice.

Limitations of use: Total releases may not exceed the Total order

Honor no releases for equipment over $5,000.00. Honor no releases after order expiration date.

Only the Purchasing Department is authorized to change the provisions of this contract.

Cancellation: the time period and total costs are estimates only. The Buyer may cancel this order (upon notifying the seller) for any reason without liability other than for that portion of the materials already received and approved.”

Business Operations Center Reps

  • Open the requisition up in your inbox
    • Review the ship-to address for appropriateness
    • Review the Requisition type
    • Update the sourcing buyer
    • Review and update the Memo to suppliers
    • Review and update the internal memo
    • Review and update the Goods/Services lines
      • Review the description of the line adheres to the requirements of “Blanket order for (commodity being purchased)”
      • Update the commodity code (for Blankets, use the commodity code that best represents what is generally going to be purchased.  If the Blanket order is for a very broad scope (i.e. food for dining facilities from US foods) where the specific commodity code can not be determined, leave the commodity code blank.
      • Select the appropriate Spend Category
      • For goods lines, review the quantity is the total amount of the PO,  the unit of measure is a dollar, and the unit cost is $1.
      • Review the supplier
      • Select a Supplier Contract if applicable
      • Approve

Spend Categories that must use a Goods line

To view full spend categories, please use Spend Category Crosswalk

The spend categories listed below must use a Goods line:

Reference ID      Spend Category Name

SC10415               Adhesives and Sealants (SC10415)

SC10375               Animal Supplies - Containment and Habitats (SC10375)

SC10376               Animal Supplies - Feed (SC10376)

SC10377               Animal Supplies - Pet Products (SC10377)

SC10378               Animal Supplies - Saddlery and Harness Goods (SC10378)

SC10379               Animals (SC10379)

SC10395               Apparel and Clothing not medical (SC10395)

SC10474               Art Materials (SC10474)

SC10686               Athletic and Recreational Supplies (SC10686)

SC10381               Audiovisual Supplies (SC10381)

SC10409               Beverages - Alcoholic (SC10409)

SC10410               Beverages - Nonalcoholic (SC10410)

SC10383               Building Components - Doors Windows and Glass (SC10383)

SC10384               Building Components - Exterior Finishing Materials (SC10384)

SC10385               Building Components - Insulation (SC10385)

SC10386               Building Components - Interior Finishing Materials (SC10386)

SC10389               Building Components - Plumbing Fixtures (SC10389)

SC10390               Building Components - Portable Structure Components (SC10390)

SC10391               Building Components - Structural Materials (SC10391)

SC10687               Chemicals - Explosive (SC10687)

SC10392               Chemicals - Gases (SC10392)

SC10688               Chemicals - Radioactive (SC10688)

SC10393               Chemicals not explosive or gas or radioactive (SC10393)

SC10394               Cleaning Supplies (SC10394)

SC10400               Dental Supplies (SC10400)

SC10690               Drugs - Controlled (SC10690)

SC10401               Drugs - Radiopharma and Contrast Media (SC10401)

SC10691               Drugs not controlled or radioactive or contrast (SC10691)

SC10477               Elastomeric Materials (SC10477)

SC10404               Electrical - Lighting Accessories (SC10404)

SC10403               Electrical - Lighting Interior (SC10403)

SC10405               Electrical - Lighting Specialty (SC10405)

SC10408               Electrical - Wire Management Supplies (SC10408)

SC10406               Electrical Equipment not lighting or wire mgmt (SC10406)

SC10407               Electrical Supplies not lighting or wire mgmt (SC10407)

SC10692               Electronic Components (SC10692)

SC10416               Fasteners and Hardware (SC10416)

SC10693               Food not restaurants or catering (SC10693)

SC10694               Food Services Supplies (SC10694)

SC10705               Fuel - Radioactive (SC10705)

SC10706               Fuel not radioactive (SC10706)

SC10479               Furnishings Decorative (SC10479)

SC10696               Games and Toys (SC10696)

SC10498               General Machinery (SC10498)

SC10499               Hand Tools - Power (SC10499)

SC10704               Hand Tools not power tools (SC10704)

SC10604               HVAC Systems Components (SC10604)

SC10554               Industrial Manufacturing Services (SC10554)

SC10397               IT Computer Accessories (SC10397)

SC10398               IT Computer Components (SC10398)

SC10396               IT Computer Software (SC10396)

SC10411               IT Supplies - Communications Devices (SC10411)

SC10412               Lab and Scientific Instruments (SC10412)

SC10413               Lab and Scientific Supplies (SC10413)

SC10480               Labels and Tags (SC10480)

SC10481               Luggage Packs and Cases (SC10481)

SC10417               Manufacturing Components and Supplies (SC10417)

SC10544               Marketing Services (SC10544)

SC10419               Material Handling Supplies - Containers (SC10419)

SC10420               Material Handling Supplies - Packaging (SC10420)

SC10431               Med Equipment - Endoscopes (SC10431)

SC10428               Med Supplies - Acute Care Monitoring (SC10428)

SC10425               Med Supplies - Blood (SC10425)

SC10445               Med Supplies - Carts and Cases (SC10445)

SC10426               Med Supplies - Charting and Documentation (SC10426)

SC10460               Med Supplies - Cleaning and Sterilization (SC10460)

SC10446               Med Supplies - Clinical Facility Products (SC10446)

SC10447               Med Supplies - Clinical Nutrition (SC10447)

SC10448               Med Supplies - Clinical Training Supplies (SC10448)

SC10462               Med Supplies - Cranial Mesh (SC10462)

SC10466               Med Supplies - Craniomaxillofacial Products (SC10466)

SC10449               Med Supplies - Dialysis (SC10449)

SC10429               Med Supplies - Exam and Monitoring (SC10429)

SC10457               Med Supplies - Gas Cylinders (SC10457)

SC10463               Med Supplies - Gastrointestinal Products (SC10463)

SC10422               Med Supplies - Gloves (SC10422)

SC10427               Med Supplies - Imaging and Nuclear Med (SC10427)

SC10442               Med Supplies - Implant Sizers (SC10442)

SC10461               Med Supplies - Implants Cardiovascular (SC10461)

SC10435               Med Supplies - Implants Distal Joint (SC10435)

SC10436               Med Supplies - Implants Foot and Ankle (SC10436)

SC10437               Med Supplies - Implants General (SC10437)

SC10438               Med Supplies - Implants Hip (SC10438)

SC10439               Med Supplies - Implants Knee (SC10439)

SC10464               Med Supplies - Implants Neuro (SC10464)

SC10465               Med Supplies - Implants Ophthalmic (SC10465)

SC10440               Med Supplies - Implants Ortho General (SC10440)

SC10443               Med Supplies - Implants Shoulder (SC10443)

SC10444               Med Supplies - Implants Spinal (SC10444)

SC10441               Med Supplies - Implants Trauma (SC10441)

SC10450               Med Supplies - Independent Living Aids (SC10450)

SC10433               Med Supplies - IV Products (SC10433)

SC10414               Med Supplies - Linen (SC10414)

SC10451               Med Supplies - Medication Dispensing (SC10451)

SC10452               Med Supplies - Mobile Transit (SC10452)

SC10421               Med Supplies - Organs (SC10421)

SC10434               Med Supplies - Ortho Products (SC10434)

SC10456               Med Supplies - Patient Care Products (SC10456)

SC10423               Med Supplies - Patient Clothing (SC10423)

SC10453               Med Supplies - Postmortem (SC10453)

SC10424               Med Supplies - Protective Staff Clothing (SC10424)

SC10454               Med Supplies - PT OT and Rehab (SC10454)

SC10458               Med Supplies - Respiratory (SC10458)

SC10430               Med Supplies - Scopes Specula and Accessories not endoscopes (SC10430)

SC10459               Med Supplies - Stents (SC10459)

SC10432               Med Supplies - Surgical Instruments (SC10432)

SC10467               Med Supplies - Surgical Mesh (SC10467)

SC10468               Med Supplies - Surgical Products (SC10468)

SC10455               Med Supplies - Surgical Textiles (SC10455)

SC10470               Med Supplies - Suture and Related Products (SC10470)

SC10469               Med Supplies - Urology and Gynecology Products (SC10469)

SC10471               Med Supplies - Wound Care (SC10471)

SC10697               Minerals and Textiles (SC10697)

SC10482               Mining and Drilling Supplies (SC10482)

SC10483               Musical Instruments - Parts and Accessories (SC10483)

SC10472               Office Accessories (SC10472)

SC10473               Office Supplies not paper (SC10473)

SC10484               Oils Greases and Anticorrosives (SC10484)

SC10418               Paints Primers and Finishes (SC10418)

SC10488               Paper - Copier and Printer (SC10488)

SC10489               Paper not copier or printer paper (SC10489)

SC10702               Paper Products (SC10702)

SC10485               Personal Care Supplies (SC10485)

SC10380               Pest Control Products (SC10380)

SC10490               Plant Supplies Fertilizers and Herbicides (SC10490)

SC10492               Plants - Live Plants (SC10492)

SC10731               Power Generation Equipment (SC10731)

SC10476               Power Supplies - Batteries and Transmissions (SC10476)

SC10478               Power Supplies - Electrical Wire Cable and Harness (SC10478)

SC10633               Power Supplies - Engines Motors and Components (SC10633)

SC10720               Professional Services - Civic Affairs (SC10720)

SC10659               Publications - Printed (SC10659)

SC10695               Residential Linen Supplies (SC10695)

SC10698               Residential Supplies and Products (SC10698)

SC10486               Residential Window Treatments (SC10486)

SC10494               Roads and Grounds - Landscape Supplies (SC10494)

SC10495               Roads and Grounds - Road Supplies (SC10495)

SC10873               Safety Apparel not medical (SC10873)

SC10496               Safety Supplies (SC10496)

SC10497               Security Supplies (SC10497)

SC10703               Signage (SC10703)

SC10699               Teaching Aids and Materials (SC10699)

SC10700               Timepieces and Jewelry (SC10700)

SC10701               Tobacco and Smoking Products (SC10701)

SC10689               Uniforms (SC10689)

SC10500               Veterinary Supplies (SC10500)