Operational Reports

Last modified: June 4, 2024

Some security roles are inherently paired with others. You may not have to directly request access to the “Typical Security Role’ because your main security role will already be paired.  For Example, a Cost Center Manager role will be paired with the Spend Analyst.  List of all paired security roles. Use the Default Pairing Rules Tab and use the Primary Security Assignment column to determine if you have access via a paired relationship. 


Reports include:




Find Supplier Invoice Summary - OSUThis report can be used to view invoice statuses, invoices in match exception and search invoices based on a supplier.

The report returns results by each unique invoice and provides invoice header information such supplier, supplier invoice number, invoice amount, due date, discount date, adjustment information.
  • Principal Investigator
  • Spend Analyst

Find Supplier Invoice Details – OSU

Report Tips

This report provides invoice line detail information including all invoice header details found in Find Supplier Invoice Summary - OSU as well as invoice line details such as items purchased, Ship-To Address, quantity of item line purchased etc.  It can be used to help support expenses or balances sheet activity in the General Ledger.

  • Principal Investigator
  • Spend Analyst
Supplier Invoice Overdue ApprovalsThis report is used to identify any AP invoices that have been loaded to workday and have been awaiting approval for more than two days.  This report includes summary invoice information, such as supplier, amount, Purchase Orders, payment terms, as well as awaiting persons, and some funding information.
  • Principal Investigator 
  • Spend Analyst 

Find Supplier Invoice Request (SIR) Summary – OSU 

Used to report on high level attributes associated with a Supplier Invoice Request. Useful to review requests that may be held up during the business process or get unique counts of activity. 

Returns results by each unique supplier invoice request submitted. Provides supplier invoice statuses and basic metrics.  Allows users to search supplier invoice requests that have been created for a supplier.   This report returns one line for each unique supplier invoice request. 

  • Principal Investigator 
  • Spend Analyst 
Internal Order Billing Supplier Invoice PrintingThis report is designed to be used for Internal Service Providers to print copies of their invoices for their customers. It returns basic invoice header and line detail information and allows users to print the report using a formatted OSU PDF using the print button on the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
  • Internal Billing Specialist

Find Supplier Invoice Request (SIR) Details – OSU 

Used to troubleshoot and investigate Supplier Invoice Requests. Provides information about the detail lines associated with a request including all worktag strings. 

Provides information on supplier invoice request header as well as line detail information such as funding splits and line item description details. 

  • Principal Investigator 
  • Spend Analyst 
Find Miscellaneous Payment Request Summary - OSU

This report returns Miscellaneous Payment Request data based on header information such as status, payee, and total amount and can be used for basic metrics and transaction status tracking.

  • Cost Center Accountant
  • Expense Data Entry Specialist
  • Company Financial Analyst
Find Miscellaneous Payment Request Details - OSUThis report provides detailed information on Miscellaneous Payment Requests including header information as well as line details such as funding and item description details when applicable.
  • Cost Center Accountant
  • Expense Data Entry Specialist
  • Company Financial Analyst
OnBase Invoices (Tableau)Returns invoices that have not posted to Workday and that are still in OnBase due to a variety of issues. The report views provide information on the reason the invoice is being held up in OnBase and allow for searching on invoice amounts, cost centers and suppliers.
  • Access to the Finance and Supply Chain -> Spend domains





Purchase Order Remaining Balances

This report provides purchase order balance information including obligation/encumbrance amounts, invoiced amounts, original PO totals, and any change order totals. This report returns separate lines for each Purchase Order line, and Funding Line Distribution.

  • Internal Service Delivery Data Entry Specialist
  • Principal Investigator
  • Procurement Document Specialist
  • Procurement Document Specialist Manager
  • Procurement System
  • Project Administrator
  • Project Commitment Manager
  • Spend Analyst 
Find Purchase Order Summary - OSUThis report provides Purchase Order summary information commonly found in the PO header such as status, supplier, total PO amount, payment terms, as well as a summary of all Worktags used.  Additionally, this report provides business process information and can be used to identify the awaiting person for in process transactions.  This report returns one line for each unique Purchase Order.
  • Department Leader
  • Principal Investigator
  • Spend Analyst
  • Internal Service Delivery Data Entry Specialist
  • Procurement Document Specialist
  • Procurement Document Specialist Manager

Find Purchase Order Details - OSU

This report provides detailed Purchase Order line information such as funding splits, line descriptions, spend category, supplier, invoice, and receipt information. This report returns one line per unique Purchase Order line and funding line split.

  • Department Leader
  • Principal Investigator
  • Spend Analyst
  • Internal Service Delivery Data Entry Specialist
  • Procurement Document Specialist
  • Procurement Document Specialist Manager

Find Requisition Summary – OSU 

Report Tips

This report provides Requisition summary information commonly found in the header such as status, total amount, fulfillment source, as well as a summary of all Worktags used.  Additionally, this report provides business process information and can be used to identify the awaiting person for in process transactions.  This report returns one line for each unique Requisition.

  • Business Operations Center Lead
  • Business Operations Center Rep
  • Company Financial Analyst
  • Cost Center Asset Tracking Specialist
  • Internal Service Delivery Data Entry Specialist
  • Requestor
Find Requisition Details – OSU This report provides detailed Requisition line information such as Worktags, line descriptions, spend category, supplier, invoice, Purchase Order, and receipt information.  This report returns one line per unique Requisition line and funding line split.
  • Business Operations Center Lead
  • Business Operations Center Rep
  • Company Financial Analyst
  • Cost Center Asset Tracking Specialist
  • Internal Service Delivery Data Entry Specialist
  • Requestor

Reports include:




Find Expense Report Details - OSUThis report provides detailed Expense Report information from expense report lines and itemizations including funding details, expense item, Last 4 digits of PCard, and linked Spend Authorizations when applicable.  This report returns one line for each unique Expense Report Line or Itemization. Expense Reports with no lines entered will not populate on this report
  • Budget Manager
  • Business Operations Center Lead
  • Business Operations Center Rep
  • Expense Analyst
  • Expense Data Entry Specialist
  • Faculty and Grants Administrative Analyst
  • Principal Investigator
Find Expense Report Summary - OSUThis report provides Expense Report summary information such as Payee, Business Purpose, Reimbursement Amount, Company Paid (PCard) Amount, linked Spend Authorizations when applicable, and Business Process information. This report returns one line per unique Expense Report.
  • Budget Manager
  • Business Operations Center Lead
  • Business Operations Center Rep
  • Expense Analyst
  • Expense Data Entry Specialist
  • Faculty and Grants Administrative Analyst
  • Principal Investigator
Find Spend Authorization Details - OSUThis report provides detailed Spend Authorization Line information including funding details, remaining commitments and available balances, payee, and specific trip details.  Additionally, this report may be used to identify Expense Reports that have been linked at the Spend Authorization Line Level.  This report returns one line for each unique Spend Authorization Line, Spend Authorizations with no lines entered will not populate on this report.
  • Business Operations Center Lead
  • Business Operations Center Rep
  • Expense Data Entry Specialist
  • Faculty and Grants Administrative Analyst
  • Grant Operations Center Lead
  • Grant Operations Center Rep
  • Manager Liaison
  • Principal Investigator
Spend Authorization Summary – OSU

This report provides Spend Authorization summary information such as payee/traveler, travel dates, business purpose, justification, linked Expense Reports, and Business Process information.  This report returns one line for each unique Spend Authorization and can be used to view statuses and basic metrics.

  • Business Operations Center Lead
  • Business Operations Center Rep
  • Expense Data Entry Specialist
  • Faculty and Grants Administrative Analyst
  • Grant Operations Center Lead
  • Grant Operations Center Rep
  • Manager Liaison
  • Principal Investigator
Credit Card Transactions - OSUThis report returns a list of credit card transactions and associated Expense Reports and Expense Report Status, when applicable.  This report may be ran for specific card manager/holders, specific cards, or for Cost Centers and Cost Center Hierarchy Level 6.  This report may be used to identify Credit Card Transactions that need to be Expensed.
  • Business Operations Center Lead
  • Business Operations Center Rep
  • Expense Data Entry Specialist
  • Expense Analyst
  • Cost Center Manager
Find Credit Cards - OSUThis report is intended to provide departments and colleges with a listing of cards by Cost Center and Cost Center Hierarchy Level 6.
  • Cost Center Manager
  • Cost Center Director
  • Business Operations Center Rep
  • Business Operations Center Lead
  • Grants Operations Center Rep
  • Grants Operations Center Lead
  • Expense Data Entry Specialist
  • Expense Analyst

Reports include:




Business Process Approval Times - Summary Suite

These reports provide metrics for completed transactions by cost center hierarchy.  Metrics include the total number of transactions for the funding group, total dollar amount, and the average approval time for each approval role. The approval time is in days and is not specific to business days. 

Business Process Approval Times - Spend Authorization Summary
Business Process Approval Times - Expense Report Summary
Business Process Approval Times - Requisition Summary
Business Process Approval Times - Miscellaneous Payment Request Summary
Business Process Approval Times - Supplier Invoice Request Summary
Business Process Approval Times - Supplier Invoice Summary
Business Process Approval Times - PO Change Order Summary

Expense Analyst OR Expense Data Entry Specialist (For Spend Authorization and Expense Reports)

Spend Analyst (For all other reports)

Business Process Approval Times - Detail Suite

This report provides metrics for each individual transaction, the approving workers on the transaction, and the funding information and amount associated with it.  Metrics include the total amount of time taken for each approval step, number of times the transaction was edited and resubmitted, number of times it was sent back, and the date and time initiated and completed.  The approval time is in days and is not specific to business days.

Business Process Approval Times - Spend Authorization Details
Business Process Approval Times - Expense Report Details
Business Process Approval Times - Requisition Details
Business Process Approval Times - Miscellaneous Payment Request Details
Business Process Approval Times - Supplier Invoice Request Details
Business Process Approval Times - Supplier Invoice Details
Business Process Approval Times - PO Change Order Details

Expense Analyst OR Expense Data Entry Specialist (For Spend Authorization and Expense Reports)

Spend Analyst (For all other reports)

Business Processes Awaiting Action - Summary Suite

This report returns transactions that are awaiting an approval or to do step in the business process.  The number of transactions awaiting action, average days since assignment, and average days in progress are displayed by the security group awaiting action.

Business Processes Awaiting Action - Requisition Summary
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Spend Authorization Summary
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Expense Report Summary
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Miscellaneous Payment Request Summary
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Supplier Invoice Request Summary
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Supplier Invoice Summary
Business Processes Awaiting Action - PO Change Order Summary
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Journal Summary

Expense Analyst OR Expense Data Entry Specialist (For Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports)

Company Financial Analyst OR Cost Center Accountant (For Journals)

Spend Analyst (For all other reports)

Business Processes Awaiting Action - Detail Suite

This report returns one row per transaction that is awaiting action in the business process.  The output of the report includes who submitted the transaction, security group awaiting action, awaiting persons, days since assignment and days in progress.

Business Processes Awaiting Action - Requisition Detail
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Spend Authorization Detail
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Expense Report Detail
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Miscellaneous Payment Request Detail
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Supplier Invoice Request Detail
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Supplier Invoice Detail
Business Processes Awaiting Action - PO Change Order Detail
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Journal Detail

Expense Analyst OR Expense Data Entry Specialist (For Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports)

Company Financial Analyst OR Cost Center Accountant (For Journals)

Spend Analyst (For all other reports)

Internal Service Provider Billing

Returns Purchase Orders for Internal Suppliers with the PO Status of Issued or Change Order with the Invoicing status Partially Invoiced/Paid or blank. Only returns Purchase Orders that are greater than $0 and only return PO lines that have invoiceable balances remaining.

Used by Internal Service Providers to bill customers for services or goods provided.
  • Spend Analyst