PCard Office Hours Summary (January-June 2024)

Summary of PCard Office Hours (January-June 2024):

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June 2024 - Office Hours Summary


  • Travel, PCard, & Expense (TPE) Office Hours (<--- NEW LINK INCLUDED HERE)
    • TPE will be combining Office Hours beginning July 2024.
    • Hosted on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10-11:30 AM.
    • First session for new Office Hours - 07/09/24.
  • PCard Office Emails Routed to ServiceNow
    • The PCard Office is now using ServiceNow for incoming emails
    • Response emails may come from pcard@osu.edu or Service Desk
  • PCard Application & Maintenance Forms Moving into Workday
    • Coming this fall (date is tentative)
  • SFO Approval Required on all Applications & Maintenance Forms
    • The PCard Office will no longer accept delegate signatures
    • If forms are received without the SFO signature, they will be declined


  • PCard Use & Responsibilities - Live and Interactive
      • July 16th (virtual): Full
      • August 21st (virtual): 16 spots available
      • September 19th (virtual): 20 spots available
    • Fiscal Year 2024 Year-End Close Review Checklist
      • (https://busfin.osu.edu/controller)
      • Ensure PCard transactions that load into Workday by June 14, 2024, are processed with an approved Expense Report by 12 noon on June 28, 2024

    May 2024 - Office Hours Summary


    • Allow Workers to Approve Once
      • "Allow Workers to Approve Once" condition rule has been removed from WD and "Exclude Prior Approvers" has been added under Advanced Routing on the BOCL and GOCR steps for the following Business Processes: Expense Reports, Miscellaneous Payment Requests, Supplier Invoice Request, Requisition, Purchase Order.
    • Fiscal Year End - Task Fulfillment
      • Emails sent to SCM's with tasks/transactions to review (ER's, SA's, MP's, Airfare Transactions, PCard Transactions, Cash Advances)
    • 3-D Secure
      • Uses risk-based authentication to determine validity of a purchase.
      • Typically done behind the scenes.
      • User may be prompted to supply supplementary information (such as a security question) if authentication standard could not be met.


    • PCard Use & Responsibilities - Live and Interactive
        • May 21st (virtual): Full (15 people on waitlist)
        • July 16th (virtual): 11 spots available
        • August 21st (virtual): 25 spots available
      • PCard Fiscal Year-End Support: PCard Working Lab
      • Fiscal Year 2024 Year-End Close Review Checklist
        • (https://busfin.osu.edu/controller)
        • Ensure PCard transactions that load into Workday by June 14, 2024, are processed with an approved Expense Report by 12 noon on June 28, 2024
      • Review Your Unexpensed PCard Transactions:

        • Run the Credit Card Transactions – OSU report (in Workday)
        • Filter the report down to only include your PCards (Cardholder/Card Manager), and check the box to “Exclude Approved” transactions
      • Total # of Outstanding PCard Transactions as of 5/13/24
        • 7,693 - Total outstanding transactions
          • 4,095 - Not submitted on an ER
          • 2,844 - “In Progress”
          • 336 - “Sent Back”
          • 418 – “Draft”

      April 2024 - Office Hours Summary


      • 2024 PCard Renewal
        • Pickup notifications for cards expiring at the end of April have been sent (~425 cards)
        • PCards will work through the end of the month in which they expire (e.g., 4/30/24)
        • Renewal cards arrive at the PCard Office roughly 4 weeks before expiration
      • Credit Card Transactions – OSU Report: New Columns Added
        • Credit Card Embossed Name
        • Expense Report Approval Date


      • PCard Use & Responsibilities - Live and Interactive
          • April 17th (virtual): Full (14 people on waitlist)
          • May 21st (virtual): 8 slots available
          • July 16th (virtual): 24 slots available
        • Sales Tax Exemption
          • Print off the Tax Exemption form and take it with you at time of purchase
        • Itemized Receipts
          • Collect an itemized receipt at the time of purchase.
          • Attach the itemized receipt to the Expense Report.  Do not attach the invoice/quote, as they do not show the payment method that was used (last 4 digits of PCard)
        • Fiscal Year 2024 Year-End Close Review Checklist
          • (https://busfin.osu.edu/controller)
          • Ensure PCard transactions that load into Workday by June 14, 2024, are processed with an approved Expense Report by 12 noon on June 28, 2024
        • PCard Fiscal Year-End Support: PCard Working Lab
        • Review Your Unexpensed PCard Transactions:
          • Run the Credit Card Transactions – OSU report (in Workday)
          • Filter the report down to only include your PCards (Cardholder/Card Manager), and check the box to “Exclude Approved” transactions

        March 2024 - Office Hours Summary


        • 2024 PCard Renewal
          • Pickup notifications for cards expiring at the end of March have been sent
          • PCards will work through the end of the month in which they expire (e.g., 3/31/24)
          • Renewal cards arrive at the PCard Office roughly 4 weeks before expiration
          • 425 PCards set for expiration/renewal at the end of April
        • Fiscal Year 2024 Year-End Close Review Checklist
          • (https://busfin.osu.edu/controller)
          • Ensure PCard transactions that load into Workday by June 14, 2024, are processed with an approved Expense Report by 12 noon on June 28, 2024
        • Credit Card Transactions – OSU Report: Updates Coming
          • Embossed Name
          • Expense Report Approval Date


        • PCard Use & Responsibilities - Live and Interactive
          • March 21st (in-person): 7 slots available
          • April 17th (virtual): 3 slots available
          • May 21st (virtual): 22 slots available
        • PCard FY-End Working Session
          • Scheduled for Wednesday, May 22nd. From 9-10:30AM.
        • PCard Ordering & Pickup
          • Order PCards at least 2 weeks in advance of when they are needed
          • Card pickup is only available on Mondays and Wednesdays (7:30AM-4:30PM)

        February 2024 - Office Hours Summary


        • 2024 PCard Renewal
          • Pickup notifications for cards expiring at the end of February have been sent
          • PCards will work through the end of the month in which they expire (e.g., 2/29/24)
          • Renewal cards arrive at the PCard Office roughly 4 weeks before expiration
        • Split Position Designation available on SA/ER
        • PCard FY-End Working Session
          • Scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (9-10:30 AM)


        • PCard Use & Responsibilities - Live and Interactive
          • February 20th (virtual): Session is full
          • March 21st (in-person): 12 slots available
          • April 17th (virtual): 18 slots available
        • Grid View for ER’s
          • WD does not recommend using the default “Grid View” for 30+ lines
          • Use “List Detail” view instead to avoid system freeze
        • FY-End is only 4.5 months away – don’t wait, start end of year tasks now!
          • Review PCard transactions to ensure submission and approval on Expense Reports

        January 2024 - Office Hours Summary


        • 2024 PCard Renewal
          • January renewal cards have been picked up by college/VP-area SFO (or designee)
          • PCards will work through the end of the month in which they expire (e.g., 1/31/24)
          • Replacement cards for the remainder of 2024 will arrive at the PCard Office roughly 4 weeks before expiration. Pick-up notifications will be issued to either the SFO or directly to the Card Manager/Cardholder dependent upon volume of cards expiring within the specific month for the unit.
        • PCard Policy – Monthly Close
          • “All transactions must be accounted for and fully expensed on an expense report by the PCard manager/PCardholder by monthly close.”
          • No longer applies in Workday. We do not have a monthly close like we did in PeopleSoft that would prohibit worktag updates and ER submission.
          • Best practice: Transactions should be submitted on an Expense Report within 7 business days of load date into Workday 


        • Lost/Stolen/Fraud
          • Notify the bank and the PCard office immediately to shut down the card.
          • OSU does not have dispute rights if the card is used to make a fraudulent transaction before the bank has been notified that the card has been lost/stolen.
          • Replacement cards will be sent to the PCard Office for setup.
          • Turnaround time: 5-10 business days
          • Pickup notification sent to the PCardholder/PCard Manager once the card arrives.
          • Dispute Form must be submitted to the bank within 60 days of the statement date.
        • Temporary Limit Increases
          • Higher limits = higher risk
          • Limit duration of increase