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Supplier Maintenance: Tips and Tricks

The Supplier Maintenance Process is the process of adding and updating information for new and existing suppliers. It is managed by the Supplier Maintenance team.


Prompt adherence to this process will result in the timely setup of new suppliers and maintaining current supplier information.

Adding a New Supplier

Supplier Maintenance Adding New process flow. 1. Identify need for a new supplier. 2. Requester creates non-catalog requisition in Workday. 3 Submit requisition with blank supplier field and supplier contact email in memo field. Ste 4 Approvers determine


* Requisition is reviewed by Cost Center Manager, Service Centers and Purchasing Team. See New Supplier Approval Decision Tree

** A W-8 form is required for all foreign entities. The foreign entity needs to determine which type of form applies to them. They need to fill out the appropriate form and return to the OSU contact, along with the other necessary forms. Contact Supplier Maintenance for questions about non-resident aliens (NRAs) and foreign entities.

*** See Requisition Tips and Tricks

Please note: Supplier failure to complete the registration within 30 calendar days from reciept of the Supplier Registration link without communication will result in termination of the request.


Updating Existing Supplier Account

Process flow for updating existing supplier account.  Step 1 Requester should email changes to Supplier Maintenance* (University) MC Email (Health System). Step 2 Supplier maintenance makes updates in Workday and notifies requeste

* Suppliers will receive purchase orders from The Ohio State University via email or fax based on email information set up in the Supplier Profile or electronically via EDI or fax. If the email address or fax in the Supplier Profile is incorrect or invalid, the Supplier will not receive purchase orders.

Supplier Communication

OSU Supplier Resources

Supplier Invoices: Supplier Invoice Process: Tips and Tricks


Business RoleBusiness ResponsibilitiesSecurity Roles

Supplier completes required information in Supplier Registration site.

Supplier must keep OSU informed about any changes to supplier information.


The requestor should review the New Supplier Approval Decision Tree to determine whether a new Supplier is appropriate.

The requestor starts the requisition. 

Employee – any employee can initiate a requisition
Cost Center Manager

Approves new suppliers and related requisition.

Responsible for ensuring the purchase was appropriate and within budget. 

Cost Center Manager

Service Center (UNIV)

Procurement Staff (HS)

Reviews and approves new suppliers requests

Business Transaction Services (UNIV)

Buyers (HS)

Purchasing TeamReviews and approves new suppliers requestsCommodity Manager
Supplier Maintenance

Ensure complete and timely setup and updating of supplier records.

Ensure complete and timely filing of Tax 1099 Forms.

Supplier Administrator


Key ReportsDescriptionSupports Process Steps
Find Requisition Summary – OSU

This report provides Requisition summary information commonly found in the header such as status, total amount, fulfillment source, as well as a summary of all Worktags used.  Additionally, this report provides business process information and can be used to identify the awaiting person for in process transactions.  This report returns one line for each unique Requisition.

Report Tips

Approvers determine if new supplier is necessary

Full Inventory of Operational Reports - view the Procurement reports tab

Training and Practice Aids

Resource TypeResource NameResource Description
Job Aid (ARC)Supplier Record - Creating a Supplier RecordInstructions for an end user to have a new supplier added
Polices and Forms B&F websiteNew Supplier Approval Decision TreeDecision tree to evaluate whether a new supplier should be approved upon user request
Policies and Forms B&F websiteSupplier Registration GuideInstructions for a potential new Supplier to submit their information onto the Supplier Registration website
Policies and Forms B&F websiteNRA ChecklistProvides scenarios to determine the required documentation for establishing a NonResident Alien (NRA) Supplier 
IRS WebsiteLink to all W-8 BEN FormsLink to all W-8 BEN Forms


For general support, please contact your college or department administrative support team, Service Center support team, and/or your Fiscal support team.

For additional assistance, please contact Supplier Maintenance:

General questions: (UNIV), (HS/OSUP).

Tax form 1099 questions: (UNIV), (HS/OSUP).