Last modified: February 25, 2025
Managerial Style: Shows Debit as Negative and Credit as Positive
Financial Accounting Style: Shows Debit as Positive and Credit as Negative
Accounting Report Type | Report Name | Report Description | Typical Security Role(s) Required |
Managerial | UNIV Remaining Encumbrances - Requisitions, POs, Spend Authorizations, Supplier Contracts |
Managerial | Find Journal Lines - OSU | Provides journal level detail for any accounting entries processed in the system.
To view journals in a summary format use Find Journals - OSU. |
Managerial | Find Journal Lines - OSU - Posted Journals by Amount Type | This report returns all posted journal line activity and allows end users to run for all amount types including beginning balances. Note: To view journal lines of all statuses (including non-posted journals), run the Find Journal Lines - OSU report. |
Managerial | Equity Balances by Balancing /Carry Forward Worktags | Provides Revenue, Expense and Equity balances summarized by unique balancing and carryforward worktag strings. Includes encumbrance and pre-encumbrance numbers so you can also see equity balances after encumbrances. Quick way to view equity position as of a date in time and useful for year end clean up. |
Managerial | Equity Balances by Balancing /Carry Forward Worktags - Summary | Provides Revenue, Expense and Equity balances summarized by unique balancing and carryforward worktag strings. Includes encumbrance and pre-encumbrance numbers so you can also see equity balances after encumbrances. This report shows activity in a simplified format by only displaying Beginning Balance, Transfers, Sources, Uses, Encumbrances and Ending Balance. |
Managerial | Plan Versus Actuals by Plan Worktag | The "Plan vs. Actuals by Plan Worktags" report is designed to allow you to view plan versus actuals activity by plan worktags. Plan Worktags include: Balancing Unit, Cost Center, Fund, Program, Project, Activities and Events, and Assignee. Grant and Gift are not included on this report as plan is not loaded to these dimensions. The report provides a list of unique worktag combinations and their plan to actuals variances. The report is useful to see the health of your worktag strings and their plan to actuals variances. |
Managerial | Plan Versus Actuals by Plan Worktag with Ledger Account | The "Plan vs. Actuals by Plan Worktags with Ledger Account" report is designed to allow you to view plan versus actuals activity by plan Worktags alongside Ledger Account, Revenue Category, and Spend Category. Plan Worktags include: Balancing Unit, Cost Center, Fund, Program, Project, Activities and Events, and Assignee. Grant and Gift are not included on this report as plan is not loaded to these dimensions. The report provides a list of unique worktag combinations and their plan to actuals variances. The report can be used for advance analysis your Worktag combinations. |
Managerial | Managerial Balance Sheet | Provides asset, liability, and equity balance sheet details and presents in a managerial accounting style format. |
Managerial | Sources and Uses - Variance Analysis | This report is an income statement report and includes revenue and expense information compared with budget plan for a specific account period. This report is grouped by Ledger Account. It excludes activity for funds FD511, FD610, FD660, FD700, FD750, FD751, FD950 as these funds are more centrally managed. If you need to see activity on these funds, please use the General Ledger Balance Report or Trial Balance. This report returns results from the Common Book code only. |
Managerial | Find Journals - OSU | To find any journal that posted against a specific worktag combination or for particular journal source. Provides summarized journal information. Most commonly used to find journals that were processed. |
Managerial | Managerial Gift Report | This report is an income statement (returns revenue and expense) that provides life to date gift activity. This report returns results in the managerial accounting style. This report is intended to be run most frequently on the common book code. |
Managerial | Sources and Uses - Annual Trending | This report is configured to provide three years of income statement activity in the style of the Sources and Uses suite. The report uses the period selected, and then returns period year to date activity for the selected Fiscal Year, and the two previous fiscal years. This report can be useful for reviewing year over year trends by specific Worktag combinations. |
Managerial | Equity Balances by Balancing/Carry Forward Worktags - Annual Trending | This report is configured to provide three years of income statement activity in the style of the Equity Balances reporting suite. The report uses the period selected, and then returns period year to date activity for the selected Fiscal Year, and the two previous fiscal years. This report can be useful for reviewing year over year trends by unique Balancing/Carry Forward Worktag combinations. |
Managerial | Equity Balances by Balancing/Carry Forward Worktags - Monthly Trending | This report is configured to provide income statement activity by month for a specific Fiscal Year based on the Fiscal Year for the period selected in the report prompt. The report will return a new set of "Sources and Uses" columns for each month/period in the Fiscal Year that was selected. This report can be useful for tracking trends and activity by month over the course of a Fiscal Year, and reviewing trends from prior years. |
Managerial | Accounting Adjustment Status - OSU | This report returns one line per accounting adjustment line. The output of the report includes header information for the adjustment as well as line detail, and identifies where in the business process the transaction is and how long it has been awaiting action if in progress. |
Payroll Accounting
Report Name | Report Description | Typical Security Role(s) Required |
Find Journal Lines - OSU Payroll Detail | The purpose of this report is for financial users to drill into the payroll details for troubleshooting or reviewing trends. It provides the most granular reporting on payroll accounting lines in the general ledger. Every field in the operational journal line is included in this report. The report is run based on accounting date and costing company. It will only return payroll expense ledger accounts. It can be run for encumbrances. It should be used when Find Journal Lines – OSU or Sources and Uses detail drill is not enough and users need to view pay component detailed information on actuals and encumbrances. It is recommended the user use as many filter criteria as possible as the resulting lines can be very large due to the granularity of the report output. |
Payroll Expense Details (Tableau) |
| Access to Tableau for the Finance and Supply chain Domain - specifically the Financial Accounting/General Ledger secondary domain |
Flexible Payroll Expense Details (Tableau) |
| Access to Tableau for the Finance and Supply chain Domain - specifically the Financial Accounting/General Ledger secondary domain |
Payroll Funding - Costing Allocations for Filled Positions | This report allows finance users to identify costing allocations for Filled Positions in their area as of a specific date. It also provides details on HR attributes that could be helpful in planning. The report also provides details on the salary amounts and full-time equivalency (FTE) to aid in budget planning or contract renewals/extensions.
Payroll Funding - One Time Payment | The purpose of this report is to identify anyone with APPROVED one-time payments and their funding sources. To determine if a position “owned by” an area has any one-time payments approved. |
Payroll Funding - Period Activity Pay | This report can be run to identify anyone with APPROVED Period Activity Pay and their funding sources.
Payroll Funding - Period Activity Pay - Expired Funding | This report returns Period Activity Pay where at least one line of funding has an expired grant associated with it.
Payroll Funding Errors - by Accounting Period | The purpose of this report is to help decentral users review any issues with custom validations for the units they manage. There are some places in HR and Costing where funding rules cannot be applied. As a result, this report can be run on encumbrances and actuals to identify any invalid General Ledger combinations.
Payroll Funding Errors - by Pay Period | The purpose of this report is to help central users review any issues with custom validations. There are some places in HR and Costing where funding rules cannot be applied. As a result, this report can be run on encumbrances and actuals to identify any invalid General Ledger combinations.
Payroll Funding – Costing Allocations for Filled Positions – Expired or Missing | This report allows finance users to identify costing allocations for Filled Positions in their area as of a specific date that are missing or expired. It is recommended that this is run before each pay period (or more frequently) to identify costing for all filled positions.
Payroll Accounting Adjustments Status | This report is run to identify any Payroll Accounting Adjustments and where they are sitting in the business process.
Default Organizational Costing Assignment Worktags | This report allows finance users to view all positions that roll up through a specific unit or department for Organization Assignment Worktags. Returns one line per position.
Supervisory Organization Costing | Provides the default costing worktags associated with Financial Worktags assigned on supervisory organization.
In Workday, reports have been built to enable units to focus on reconciliation of their balance sheet accounts and outside subsystems. There is a table for variance analysis, exception reporting, and financial analysis.
Variance Analysis Reports
Report Name | Report Description | Typical Security Role(s) Required | Reconciliation Guidance |
Managerial Balance Sheet | Provides asset, liability, and equity balance sheet details and presents in a managerial accounting style format. |
Equity Balances by Balancing/Carry Forward Worktags | Provides Revenue, Expense and Equity balances summarized by unique balancing and carryforward worktag strings. Includes encumbrance and pre-encumbrance numbers so you can also see equity balances after encumbrances. Quick way to view equity position as of a date in time and useful for year end clean up. |
Sources and Uses - Variance Analysis Sources and Uses - Variance Analysis Upcoming Changes Job Aid | This report is an income statement report and includes revenue and expense information compared with budget plan for a specific account period. This report is grouped by Ledger Account. It excludes activity for funds FD511, FD610, FD660, FD700, FD750, FD751, FD950 as these funds are more centrally managed. If you need to see activity on these funds, please use the General Ledger Balance Report or Trial Balance. This report returns results from the Common Book code only. |
Exception Reporting
Users will utilize exception reporting to identify, analyze, and correct issues. Examples of these reports and exercises include:
- Created, Unapproved, or journal entries in error status
- Asset Tagging reports
- Purchase Order/Expenses policy exceptions
- Payroll Costing allocation review
Report Name | Report Description | Typical Security Role(s) Required | Reconciliation Guidance |
Delegations History - OSU (Tableau) | Allows users to view all delegation history that have been loaded in the system. The report should be run and downloaded via PDF every month end. Senior Fiscal Officers should review delegations for appropriateness and sign off on the report on a monthly basis. The report has four views: Delegations by Month: Returns delegations that were active during the month selected in the prompt. Regardless of the day selected in the month the full month of activity will return. Delegations by Date Range: Returns delegations that had at least one day falling active during the date range selected in the prompt. Delegation Details: Intended to view all Delegations that have ever been associated with an employee when selecting their name in the Delegations by Date Range or Delegations by Month tabs. All Delegation History: Shows all delegation history that has ever been loaded. The most common use for this tab would be for central reporting groups to validate data integrity. | Access to the Person – Delegation Audit Secondary Domain. Anyone with access to the following secondary domains will inherently get access to the Person Delegation Audit Secondary Domain.
| To validate that the delegations happening in your area are appropriate. |
Find Journals - OSU | To find any journal that posted against a specific worktag combination or for particular journal source. Provides summarized journal information. To view journal line details use Find Journal Lines - OSU. |
| To find and review journals that are in flight at month end. |
Find Journal Lines - OSU | Provides journal level detail for any accounting entries processed in the system. To view journals in a summary format use Find Journals - OSU. |
| To find and review journal details or to troubleshoot transactional accounting at the line level. |
Find Journal Lines - OSU Payroll Detail | The purpose of this report is for financial users to drill into the payroll details for troubleshooting or reviewing trends. It provides the most granular reporting on payroll accounting lines in the general ledger. Every field in the operational journal line is included in this report. The report is run based on accounting date and costing company. It will only return payroll expense ledger accounts. It can be run for encumbrances. It should be used when Find Journal Lines – OSU or Sources and Uses detail drill is not enough and users need to view pay component detailed information on actuals and encumbrances. It is recommended the user use as many filter criteria as possible as the resulting lines can be very large due to the granularity of the report output. |
| To troubleshoot salary details and how they were expensed or if they were inappropriately costed. |
OSU - Find Assets | Returns Business Asset details and associated worktags of the business assets. Use this report to view, analyze, and take action on individual business asset lifecycle events or edit the business asset. |
| To find tracked assets where the tracking processes has not been completed (not tagged, etc.). |
Asset Physical Custody | This report is used to aid in the annual self-reporting audit of assets and their associated attributes for a given area. |
| To determine the tracked assets by area. |
Business Processes Awaiting Action - Asset Detail | This report displays one row per asset event awaiting action. The awaiting persons, days since assignment, step to complete, and days since initiated are also included in this report. |
| To find tracked assets where the tracking processes has not been completed (not tagged, etc.). |
Find Supplier Invoice Summary – OSU | This report can be used to view invoice statuses, invoices in match exception and search invoices based on a supplier. The report returns results by each unique invoice and provides invoice header information such supplier, supplier invoice number, invoice amount, due date, discount date, adjustment information. |
| To find open invoices and match exceptions at a summary level (one line per unique invoice). |
Find Supplier Invoice Details – OSU | This report provides invoice line detail information including all invoice header details found in Find Supplier Invoice Summary - OSU as well as invoice line details such as items purchased, Ship-To Address, quantity of item line purchased etc. It can be used to help support expenses or balances sheet activity in the General Ledger. |
| To find open invoices and match exceptions at a detail level (by funding splits). |
Payroll Funding - Costing Allocations for Filled Positions - Expired or Missing | Organizations are derived from the Organization Assignment on the worker and show a primary position owner. The HR attributes of this report will return based on the Costing Allocation as of Date. | Payroll Costing Analyst AND HR Finance Analyst | To find employees who are either costed on expired grants or whose costing is missing. |
Credit Card Transactions - OSU | This report returns a list of credit card transactions and associated Expense Reports and Expense Report Status, when applicable. This report may be ran for specific card manager/holders, specific cards, or for Cost Centers and Cost Center Hierarchy Level 6. This report may be used to identify Credit Card Transactions that need to be Expensed. |
| To find PCard transactions not expensed. |
Find Expense Report Details - OSU | This report provides detailed Expense Report information from expense report lines and itemizations including funding details, expense item, Last 4 digits of PCard, and linked Spend Authorizations when applicable. This report returns one line for each unique Expense Report Line or Itemization. Expense Reports with no lines entered will not populate on this report. |
| To find open expense reports. |
Find Expense Report Summary - OSU | This report provides Expense Report summary information such as Payee, Business Purpose, Reimbursement Amount, Company Paid (PCard) Amount, linked Spend Authorizations when applicable, and Business Process information. This report returns one line per unique Expense Report. |
| To find open expense reports. |
Expense Report Exceptions | This report returns expense report exceptions. Reviewed by Senior Fiscal Officers to understand exceptions occurring in their areas and sign off per the expenditure policy. This can also be found as part of the Exceptions Dashboard. |
| To review and address policy exceptions. |
Requisition Exceptions | This report returns requisition exceptions. Reviewed by Senior Fiscal Officers to understand exceptions occurring in their areas and sign off per the expenditure policy. This can also be found as part of the Exceptions Dashboard. |
| To review and address policy exceptions. |
Supplier Invoice Request Exceptions | This report returns supplier invoice request exceptions. Reviewed by Senior Fiscal Officers to understand exceptions occurring in their areas and sign off per the expenditure policy. This can also be found as part of the Exceptions Dashboard. |
| To review and address policy exceptions. |
Financial Analysis Reports
Financial analysis is very important to ensure all financial transactions are posted correctly. Workday provides the unit real-time data to assist with decision making to keep actuals to plan on target. The goal is to review various reports on a regular basis (daily, weekly, monthly) to analyze results and react timely to needed adjustments or errors in your financials.
Report Name | Report Description | Typical Security Role(s) Required | Reconcilation Guidance |
Sources and Uses - Variance Analysis | This report is an income statement report and includes revenue and expense information compared with budget plan for a specific account period. This report is grouped by Ledger Account. It excludes activity for funds FD511, FD610, FD660, FD700, FD750, FD751, FD950 as these funds are more centrally managed. If you need to see activity on these funds, please use the General Ledger Balance Report or Trial Balance. This report returns results from the Common Book code only. |
Managerial Gift Report | This report is an income statement (returns revenue and expense) that provides life to date gift activity. This report returns results in the managerial accounting style. This report is intended to be run most frequently on the common book code. |
| Review your gifts, focusing on those gifts where distribution is not being spent timely. Ensure there is a plan for unspent distribution or that the appropriate individuals (faculty, chair, dean) are aware of the building distribution. |
120 Day Award Closeout Report | Use this report to review all award lines closing within 120 days of the prompted period. Enables timely management of grants nearing close out. |
| Review your grants that are expiring to ensure that they are being spent timely or if there is a potential overrun. Ensure there is a plan for the costs of the grant after the grant closes. |
Payroll Funding - One Time Payment | The purpose of this report is to identify anyone with APPROVED one-time payments and their funding sources. To determine if a position “owned by” an area has any one-time payments approved. |
| Review one-time payments |
Payroll Funding - Period Activity Pay | This report can be run to identify anyone with APPROVED Period Activity Pay and their funding sources |
| Review costing for Graduate Students or Semesters Lecturers |
HR for Finance - Compensation Changes (excludes changes form Hires, Add Job, and Change Job) | The purpose of this report is to be run by Finance users to manage variances in the general ledger expenses and encumbrances due to employees having compensation changes that were not due to a Job Change, Hire/Add Job or Standard Hours Change. It shows changes to base compensation as well as any allowances that are added for employees. |
| Review compensation changes |