Following are important procurement-related downtime dates that are necessary as we transition from PeopleSoft to Workday. Please review these dates carefully, mark your calendar with reminders, and prepare now for the supplies and services you will need during downtime. You can also view the workday calendar.
Vendor Maintenance Workday Deadline
As we continue to prepare for Workday Go Live, please be aware of the upcoming November deadline affecting Procure-to-pay (P2P) users:
11/23/2020 Last day to submit vendor addition and/or update requests to Vendor Maintenance for processing (includes both internal and external vendors). -
Procurement Agreements in OnBase
Beginning October 2nd, all Procurement Agreements that require a signature from Purchasing must be processed through OnBase, the university's contracts and agreements management tool.
This new process will replace the BF-PUR-Agreements email. However, this email, will still be available for questions.
HR Service Delivery Launch: HR Connection Launches September 21
HR Connection will launch September 21, and can be accessed using Compass, the HR Connection Portal, via email ( and by phone (614-247-myHR).
Staff Career Development Grant Applications Accepted September 1-30
Planning your next professional development opportunity and need funding? Apply online for the Staff Career Development Grant.